Lunch time

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"Hi" I said "umm... sorry I didn't get your name". She just looked at me blankly. " huh? Oh yeah my name is Valerie, sorry, I'm awkward for your information"when that happened Alicia came to my table, she sat across from me as well. We introduced, after that we realized we had almost everything in common. While we were talking a purpled hair girl approached us she stared at us for a while... then she spoke "Hi umm I don't know you but you 3 combined look like trouble so I suggest you to go your own routes you" she pointed at Alicia "you go to the table of music and you, girl?" She pointed at Valerie" you belong with the loners" then she pointed at me" and you uhh you could go to the anime people" I just stared at her the worse thing was that everyone was looking at us. But the least thing that I thought wouldn't happen occurred.Zen came up to the purple girl, I was blushing like crazy and I wasn't alone so was the purple hair girl she was blushing even more. Alicia and Valerie were just looking thankful that he came. None of us could defend ourselves I didn't know how Alicia looked weak and Valerie she... well she seems to kind, you know what I mean?

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