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Morning soon arrived I woke up at 5:34 am I'm supposed to wake up at 7:00 am but I wanted to draw. I drew anime characters and tried to learn myself how to do the color transition thing it wasn't that hard so I was lucky at 6:30 exactly I researched more about Harmony and who people think she is. They assume she's in the middle class an looks like her superhero self because in most movies they don't change a lot so they consider that. At 7:00 am is when my morning routine started

      Zen's POV
  Crash a sound woke me up from my dream it was 6:46 am,  I was thankful because I was having a nightmare I had a pimple

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No I'm kidding it was about how I was in the dark and someone grabbed me down to the ground and landed in the forest a man asked if I was ready I was instantly shocked and somehow my legs moved to a cabin and I was cutting someone it was scary because I can't stand blood.Anyways I looked outside my window and that's when I saw Harmony she was amazing but I didn't like her as a girlfriend just as a friend, I was attracted to Noelia but I'm not sure how or why... I stood up my bed and knocked on Valerie's door to show her I knew for a fact she loved Harmony she always defended her when they were talking trash, one time I could've sworn I saw her eyes turn blue like the ocean it was cool but also creepy. I knocked no answer I knocked again no answer I gave up and was about to go to my room but then that's when I heard another crash I went and I saw an open window and Harmony she mumbled something and did a motion with her hand and the window turned to normal my mouth hung open. She then said " turn normal" she turned around and saw me. That's when she looked at me with shock and said " You know now don't you?" I nodded and she sighed

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