Chapter Two - Whatever It Takes

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By the next week Lynn had gotten into wearing clothes that hugged her body and left little to the imagination, but still looked classy enough. She'd wear a low cut fitted tee shirt with a tank under it, so just a bit of cleavage was showing, with tight fitting jeans, and she was getting a lot more attention from boys. But, she didn't want any of it, but we all know how teenage boys are, hardly ever taking no for an answer. Just before the small, second hour class of her day, Lynn was approached by a guy who everyone knew was a major man-whore, to say the least. He asked Lynn if she wanted to come over that night, "have a little fun" he offered, hand wrapping around to grab her hip like a snake. She tried getting him to leave her alone, but nobody wanted to help, and the bell just rang, so nobody else would be in the halls. He wasn't stopped, pushing her hard against the lockers and trapping her there with his body, hand over her mouth so all her screams turned into muffled pleads for him to stop. She was crying, terrified, as his hand came up to play with her breast. 

"Help me!" She tried to scream out, but he only chuckled, knowing nobody was around to hear her muffled screams. 

"Nobody's coming for you, sweetheart. Except me, if you keep this up. I like it when they struggle." He growled lowly, making her cry harder, until she started feeling like she was suffocating. 

"Get the fuck off of her!" Lynn could hardly tell who it was, but the second she saw the hair, she knew. 

The boy was harshly pulled away from her, causing her to fall to her knees, weak from all the crying and paralyzed with fear. 

"If I ever see you so much as looking at her one more fucking time I'm going to kill you, understand? You're going to fucking die if I catch you looking at her. I don't care what the hell happens to me but you, you disgusting piece of shit, you are going to-" 

"Mike, stop.." Lynn said in a weak voice, strangled from the screaming and sobbing. He let go of the kid and practically threw him down the hall the other way and went over to Lynn, helping her up and holding her as tight as he did that night when he picked her up at the park. 

"It's okay.." He whispered as he held her. 

"You can't get into a fight.. You know that right?" Lynn asked, looking up at him through her teary gray eyes. 

"Why not?" He asked, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. 

"You'll get kicked off the team.. I don't want that to be because of me.." 

"If it's over saving you, then I'd do whatever it takes." He said with full seriousness, looking into her eyes. His bright green eyes made her melt, and if it wasn't for her hardly-hanging-together relationship she would have probably kissed him right then and there. He saw her bright blue eyes fill with the light of life, the green towards the center you could only notice from this close seeming to be like a fire. He knew he was falling hard for her, but honestly he had never felt so great as he did when she was around. He knew he would end up kissing her or blurting out that he loved her if he kept looking into those eyes, so he pulled her against him in another hug again instead, and kissed the top of her head. 

"We should probably go to class before too long." He said after a few moments of silence between them. Lynn agreed and they walked to the very small second hour class, but when she went to sit at her normal spot he grabbed her arm. He didn't realize what he was doing until she turned to look at him a bit surprised, and he froze for a second. 

"Why don't you, uh, sit by me today?" He asked quietly, Lynn smiled and agreed. They quietly talked the whole hour, him trying to do anything to make her laugh, constantly turned around to look at her and talk to her. Their teacher didn't stop them, just let them talk, never having seen Lynn that happy the entire year. 

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