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*POV: Isaac*

It was the next day, I had woken up from a 1 hour sleep on the sofa. I couldn't sleep knowing what has happened and the things I've already seen. Maddie and Jack were still asleep, although they probably didn't get much either. I went to them both and woke them up seeing as we need to go early to our families homes and see if..anything is left. I was anxious and scared, what if our families are..I can't even say it. I had hope though and I knew everything would be ok even if the circumstances are bad. 

I decided to get dressed and I was probably the only one getting ready because the others are lazy fuckers who can't seem to get their asses out of bed even in an apocalypse. Despite thinking this I pulled my black skinny ripped jeans on, a clean baggy shirt, a Captain America hoodie (my personal favourite) and finally I slipped on my black vans. I stomped into the two shitheads rooms and found they were already to go, that's a first. Before we left we all grabbed an individual backpack, supplying suitable weapons to protect ourselves, snacks and cloth, just in case. 

We exited the apartment and walked on to the empty road, this time we hadn't brought our skateboards because we usually take longer due to me falling off it every time.. Embarrassing. We walked and walked and walked for half an hour but we had finally arrived to Jack's mum and dads house. We were all so nervous but Jack sucked it up and knocked on the door seeing if anyone answered. No one did..He sighed and kicked the door open, from then on we saw him run in and disappear in the distance. We thought we would go in but it was best to let him have some privacy. We waited for ten minutes and we knew we needed to check on him, we entered the house.

Walking up the stairs with Maddie she said, "I hope nothing bad happened, but its time to find out.." We headed up and saw Jack sitting by an oak table, he was holding a note with his head in his hands. I approached him and read the note "We left, shit hit the fan and our area was evacuated. They said we are going to America, maybe its ok there. Hurry and find us. I love you Jack x" That's what the note had said, there was still a chance his family was alive. Maddie patted Jack on the back after reading the note and she broke the awkward silence, "It's going to be okay Jack, we can find them.." Jack nodded in reply and folded the note stuffing it inside his jean pocket. We then shortly left his house.

Maddie's house was up next, we travelled at least one hour to get there. We found the door wide open and Maddie gasped running straight in, just in case we followed in and saw a disaster. Blood was splattered on the walls in the hall way, Jacks jaw dropped open when seeing Maddie smashing someones head in with a hammer. I didn't know if it was a family member or not but she had tears down her face. "It wasn't any of them..Lets check the rest of the house" Maddie cleared the curiosity and sighed. Me and Jack looked upstairs while Maddie finished looking in the last room downstairs. We heard a creak on the floorboards and I clenched my knife. I peaked over the banister to see more blood, on one of the doors. 

We were right outside the room with blood leading into it, I heard a noise from behind and quickly turned round to see Maddie, my knife was two centimetres away from her face. I breathed heavily and said, "Really man, like you'd kill me." She chuckled and it was surprising because her family may be dead yet she's making jokes, I must say Maddie is a brave son of a gun. Maddie went first, she opened the door and we slowly followed. Her sister Charlotte was holding her torn apart brother in her arms. Was she...Alive..And not a zombie? "Charlotte?" Maddie said calmly, Charlotte raised her head, blood streaming out of her eyes and mouth. From then we knew..She was dead. 

Jack put his hand on Maddie's shoulder and offered, "Should I do it?". Maddie replied saying, "No.." She approached her sister and clenched the hammer slamming it into her head, me and Jack looked at each other, our eyes widened. Brains flew everywhere, blood splattered on us and all over the room. I felt sick seeing this, Maddie was looking outside of the windows occasionally while repeatedly hammering her sisters body. We were wondering if she had gone crazy or was just...crazy. 

Maddie for some reason..Grabbed the insides of her brother and wiped it all over us. "What the...fuck?! MADDIE ARE YOU NUTS?!" I shouted at her, she pushed me and Jack towards the bodies and poured guts, blood, brains, everything all over us! Then she finished with herself. "Look out the window guys.." She said, me and Jack rushed over and saw a horde, a big horde of flesh eating, deformed people, well not people.."I did that because the only way of getting out of here is through that door, through them fucking cannibals! I went with my knowledge from the walking dead?" Maddie replied, I could understand where she's coming from and me and Jack stayed silent. We all walked downstairs leaving the mess of Maddie's family behind. 

Maddie didn't seem too upset but to be honest Maddie is tough and seeing as she marathons the walking dead she probably learned to suck it up from there. Now after those results I was getting quite worried. Maddie turned around and said, "It was my mum..'The neighbour' was my mum..I just I don't know." I replied saying, "Maddie, It's gonna be okay. We just need to stick together right now, we'll work this all out." She nodded back while turning back around and walking out of the front entrance.

Outside the horde payed no attention towards us, the idea was working! Good job Maddie, that's probably the first good idea she's come up with ever! We walked around the big crowd of zombies and managed to get out of there, thank God but now it was time to head to my families house. Another hour had passed and we arrived at the house, I sighed opening the front door with a spare key I had. It was time but automatically I heard a baby crying, "Enzo!" Isaac shouted. I ran upstairs and Enzo was on the floor by himself?..Where were the others? Did they just leave him..I looked in all of the rooms and it had seemed they left for good, clothes were gone and the cupboards were empty. Assholes!

I picked Enzo up and hugged him tight, he was lucky to be alive but to be honest..Who would want to live in this now? I grabbed his clothes and the other supplies left and we walked outside of the house. "Oh God a baby.." Jack said gasping mid sentence. I nodded and replied, "They left him behind, how could they?" I looked at Enzo and wiped his tears away. Maddie looked up "He seems okay, I think he may have been left recently?", I nodded in agreement. I then suggested we head home, our main purpose of today was complete and tomorrow is going to be another day in this fucked up place but soon we needed to get out of this shit hole and get to safety before there is none left..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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