Chapter 9 Half human Half creep

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We were running for what seemed miles until we had no choice but stop. We looked around us trying to recognize where we were but no, we were lost AGAIN. I kept watch while Jason looked at his map and compass while trying to figure out where we were. As i looked down the road I saw a shaky light, kinda like someone running with a torch. I immediately got Jasons attention and we both pointed our gun just in case faceless men had figured out how torches work.

It was definitely someone running as the light was approaching fast. When it was within a couple hundred metres of us it started to slow down until it was just a couple metres in front of us and stopped. Thanks to moonlight we could make out that it was a boy but we then knew something was wrong when he face-planted the ground. I cautiously walked over to the boy with my gun still aimed at him while Jason just ran ahead to help.

He carefully rolled the boy onto his back, he must've only been 12-14. Upon closer inspection of him we found something truly terrifying. Half his face was ripped of while the other half was still attached firmly to his face.

It was a truly terrifying sight. There was no scar on his face where his right eye or nose had been, it was just pail smooth skin. What happened to this poor boy. Was he captured by the faceless men and then they started ripping his face of then he escaped or had they started ripping his face off before realising he was useless. Whatever happened this boy must've been scared.

Jason started making a stretcher using a sleeping bag and a couple of thin branches off trees either side to carry him with while i sat and kept watch.

No more than 20 minutes of him falling to the ground he woke up, screamed so loud it echoed for a good 5 seconds then fell back unconscious. This boy was half human and half creep.

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