#2 New Start

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Today was the day. I was about to start a new school. It was a chance to have a new start and make a name for myself,  if I could. One problem...  I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb.

It's fair to say that I'm not like most people my age here... I look very different I suppose. For a start,  I'm quite a tall girl,  my family is tall,  I've always been tall for my age and in general, I'm not too tall but I'm tall for a girl and that makes me quite noticeable. However that isn't the main feature that makes me really obvious... I have got big, curly hair like Caribbean hair, that is fairly dark,  apart from the caramel parts going through it. It's quite long too so it is very, very, very noticeable.

Now,  these are two of the features that some people love about me,  and others bully me for.  So it's fair to say I have a love/hate relationship with them. However, there is one thing that I only ever had a hate relationship,  so much so that I spend the last year getting rid of it all.  My weight.

I wasn't huge,  but I definitely wasn't small,  I was noticeably overweight and I got bullied for it the whole time I was in school for it, alongside being taller than everyone and having big frizzy hair. 

Finding out I was moving to Korea meant that I had enough,  I decided that I wasn't going to carry on carrying all this extra weight that caused me so much emotional pain and I could gain any form of confidence I could from loosing the weight.

I wasn't necessarily a tom boy,  but I wasn't not a tom boy,  if you get my gist? So I decided on an outfit that was one of my favourites and didn't make me seem like a tom boy or a girly girl, but somewhere in between. I but on a black skater styled dress,  with a black leather jacket and some basic black slip on shoes.  I made sure that my hair was just curls with a small amount of frizz.

I used foundation to cover the light brown freckles that spread over my nose and on to my cheeks and put on winged eyeliner with some brown lipstick to top the look off.  Although what I wear isn't everyone's cup of tea,  it's what I like and I felt comfortable in. 

Mum offered to drive me to school as she took the day off so that she could make sure I got to school safely. I would have preferred to have walked but I know how protective she is of me. 

The car journey there was pretty silent,  neither of us knew what to say. She wasn't stupid, she knew how uncomfortable this was going to make me feel so there was no point in asking me how I felt

"Listen,  I know you don't need to hear me telling you inspirational words or whatever,  but just remember,  this is a new start and its only a year until you get to go to university" she said,  trying to comfort me. She was right, although the thought of university was daunting,  I still didn't really know what I wanted to do,  so I needed to make my mind up fast,  or take a gap year.

"I'll pick you up after school as well,  I love you" mum said as I got out of the car.

"I love you too,  don't worry about me" I said in an effort to comfort her that I'd be okay.

You walked up to the reception to be greeted by the woman working on reception.

"Hello,  I'm Ivy,  I'm new here" you said to the woman,  making sure to smile so that you seemed friendly.

"Oh yes,  I was expecting you,  I will be showing you around the school and going through the basics of it and answering any questions" she smile to me,  she was quite a lot shorter than me,  she came up to my chin. 

"I see you have decided to take Biology, Literature, Music and Ethics,  quite a mixture. " she said,  as she went over my timetable as she decided where to show me first.

"Yes I suppose,  I'm not really sure what I want to do so I thought I'd go for things I enjoy and am interested in and just kind of see where to go from there". I answered honestly. I could follow my parents and go into medicine,  seems like a fairly easy choice since I've been around it my whole life,  but is it something I really want to do? Maybe I could go into teaching or become a writer?  Or maybe,  I could do something within music? Who knows,  I've got a year to choose,  right?.

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