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Part 2: The Core


"Dr. Gaster, should we bring the test tubes?"


"Dr. Gaster, I've got this microscope, but it's kinda old..."

"We are bringing all of the science equipment!"

"Dr. Gaster, what about the couch?"

"Of cou—wait." Gaster had to stop at that one. He turned and frowned at the interns who were holding up the couch. "Why would we need the couch? We are moving to a lab, not a living room."

One of the interns shrugged, his wings flapping lightly at the motion. "Well, it's nicer to sleep on than the table."

The other one nodded as well, her ears swaying. "And we don't want you having back problems!"

Gaster rubbed his temple. "Fine, yes, we will take the couch." He checked his watch, fingers fluttering as he noticed the time. "But be quick!"

He gathered the last few notes and set them into a folder before looking at the swarm of interns running around the old Royal House. Ten. There were ten of them; he still couldn't believe it. Of course, rationally, it made sense. The University, while it had given him his doctorate, didn't have much in the way of hands-on post-grad work, so it had been heavily suggested that he open up his work on the Core to a few interns to get them acquainted with scientific work. And, hopefully, the Underground would get a few more scientists out of the deal.

Initially, he agreed to three. But then a fourth begged for a position, became five. The sixth appealed to Asgore personally, and the seventh had a whole presentation on why she would be a great fit for an internship. So eight seemed like a good number. But his good will stopped at ten.

But...well, they were eager and ready to learn, and there was something refreshing in that.

He winced as he heard something shatter, and a very quiet "Oops."

The refreshment didn't negate the fact he was at his wit's end with them most of the time.

He pointedly did not look at where the crash came from, instead looking at his watch again. He needed to go. Now. But...god, would any of the equipment survive the move if he left now? He could stay a few more minutes.

So he did.

And, then, of course, he was very late.

After a moment of panic, he pulled over his most promising assistant, a young dragon-looking monster (the one who had given the presentation).

"Erie, I need to go," he hissed to her. "Please make sure everything makes it to the new lab with as little breakage as possible."

Erie gave him a thumb's up. "I'm on it, Doc, don't you worry."

Gaster gave her a small smile. "This is why you are my favorite. not tell the others I said that."

Erie mimed zipping her lips, and Gaster nodded before bolting to the door.

"Wait, Doc!"

He skidded to a halt, long limbs flailing to keep him balanced. "What?"

Erie pointed to a small, wrapped package on the table. "You told me to remind you about the present before you left."

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