Wanted Man (Magnico Medieval AU)

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This is a one shot for @MessyTheAuthor 's Magnus Chase Ask/Dare Contest (I forgot the actual name of it, go me). It's a Magnus Chase X Nico di Angelo medieval crossover and I hope you enjoy!
Nobody seems to understand how utterly tiresome it is to be a criminal. Sure you get the luxury of having your paper face flood the streets of villages and kingdoms and empires, with angry mobs hunting you like wolves to a fawn. But Magnus was honestly getting tired of being a criminal. Both literally and figuratively. Here he was, sprinting down the seemingly endless stone corridor of the palace, royal guards hot on his tail. His lungs burned and his legs ached; cold panic tunneled his vision. I have to make it out of here alive. Those jackasses want my head? Dammit they'll only get it on a silver platter and by then they'll only know me as the only man in the world to steal their precious hammer!

He stumbled over a loose stone and fell to his knees. He cried out in pain, feeling his ankle twist unnaturally beneath him. Sprained probably. Great... That's just fucking great... Magnus thought. Not far behind were guards, their yells and clattering of metal armor drove Magnus mad. To his right was a tall wooden door left ajar. In his desperation, he lifted himself up using his golden sword like a cane, and threw open the door. It was a storage room, luckily, and Magnus took the opportunity to limp in. He quickly and quietly shut the door behind him. He hefted the large wooden barricade over it and locked the bolt. Hopefully that would spare him some time.

Magnus Chase fell to the ground once more and groaned. His ankle hurt like hell. His overgrown blond hair fell into his eyes, dripping with sweat as he tried to collect himself. On one side of the door, there's a bunch of angry guards trying to kill me. On this side of the door, there's my own damn ankle trying to kill me.

Magnus glanced up. The roar of the crowd looking for him was growing louder by the second and there was no escape. Wait... Is that a window? Ahaha looks like my lucky day! Those fuckers won't know what hit them!

Magnus clamored to the window, using the hilt of his sword to bash open the boards covering his only exit. The triumph from such a miracle numbed some of the pain in his foot. He dragged himself through the narrow opening as the door to the storage room burst open, shards of splintered wood flying everywhere. The guards ran in and Magnus's heart sank.

"You are under arrest Chase! For theft of royal property, breaking and entering, and murder!"

The guards swarmed the room. Magnus hatched a plan.

He threw his sword in one hopeless throw, and somehow embedded the blade in the head guard's gut. Blood seeped through the cloth of his shirt and he collapsed, heaving and dripping sweat. His comrades panicked and distracted, they leapt to check on their precious leader as Magnus finally pulled himself through the window and dragged himself into the woods.
The woods were dark and silent. Magnus was tired and weak from his miraculous escape. He normally healed quite quickly, but the sharp pain in his foot would not subside.

I think I lost them... Nobody would come out this far at night.

Magnus paused and leaned against a tree. He didn't have any materials on him to support his ankle, and he had left his only weapon behind. He was defenseless, hurt, and lost.

He groaned, coming to the full realization of his predicament. How could I be so stupid? I should have known something would go wrong on this mission. At least one good thing came out of it...

He grinned and reached into his bag, pulling out a hammer. But not just any hammer; this one was rumored to have the power to summon lightning and crumble mountains. Runes etched along the oddly shaped handle and head, and seemed to glow dim colors in the darkness. He knew plenty of people who would pay good money for this. All he had to do was escape this kingdom entirely, and track down an eager buyer that wouldn't  turn him in.

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