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Welcome to the Gryphon Dragon Adoption Center!

this species is Created by 2003drago and TheGamingCore

Here are some rules for the Adoption Center:

-No fighting over adoptions

-Never underpay

-Do not be angry if your offer it not chosen

-No spamming

-Do not continuously ask for more if there are none open

-Have Fun!

Gryphon Dragon Species Rules: 

-You can only have 2 or less Dryphons at once

-You are NOT allowed to sell Gryphon Dragons

-If you don't want your Dryphon anymore, DO NOT give it away. just let me know and i'll put it up for adoption.

-DO NOT make your Dryphon Overpowered

-NO free Gryphon Dragons can be given out unless i give permission.

-If you have any further questions, please Comment Below or PM 2003drago or DryphonAdoption



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