Welcome to the Gryphon Dragon Adoption Center!
this species is Created by 2003drago and TheGamingCore
Here are some rules for the Adoption Center:
-No fighting over adoptions
-Never underpay
-Do not be angry if your offer it not chosen
-No spamming
-Do not continuously ask for more if there are none open
-Have Fun!
Gryphon Dragon Species Rules:
-You can only have 2 or less Dryphons at once
-You are NOT allowed to sell Gryphon Dragons
-If you don't want your Dryphon anymore, DO NOT give it away. just let me know and i'll put it up for adoption.
-DO NOT make your Dryphon Overpowered
-NO free Gryphon Dragons can be given out unless i give permission.
-If you have any further questions, please Comment Below or PM 2003drago or DryphonAdoption
Adoption Center
AcakWelcome to the Adoption Center! Make Sure to Read the Rules and Have Fun! you can pay for Dryphons or earn them in a contest. RIGHT HERE!