Missing Something part 2

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Missing Something part 2

2 weeks.

2 weeks of Stiles in a catatonic state. The doctors think that it is because of the trauma of the insident. That Stiles' mind just needs time to deal with being tortured.

Then it will slowly heal itself.

The pack was at it's best and worst during these two weeks. There was infighting and screaming matches as well as a few scuffles. But also there were times when the pack came together so beautifully so that they could be there for Stiles. Stiles was never alone. Not ever.

The pack was with him at all times. At least one of them if not all of them spent as much time with Stiles as possible. The Stilinski house was turning into the new pack head quarters.

John had wanted to hire a live in nurse but didn't have the money to do that. But the pack stepped up and begged John to let them help.

Derek was now living at the Stilinski's house. It wasn't really announced but Derek was never not there. He learned from Melissa how to take care of Stiles. So did all the others.

Derek did his best to keep the Sheriff out of the liquor cabinet and in good spirits. Scott was the second person that was most around the house. He cleaned and cooked / ordered food and tried to help as much as possible. Derek wouldn't let him help with Stiles for the first week.

Every time Scott would try to help Stiles he would get a deep warning growl and there were a few times where he got thrown out of the house.

Stiles himself was ... just not there. Derek had talked more in the last 2 weeks than he had in the last 2 years trying to get Stiles back to himself.

He's also watched Star Wars more times than he ever cared too.

When that didn't do anything he switched to comic books. He would sit with Stiles and show him the pages and slowly flip through them for him.

He tried to take him on walks... or rides really since they got a wheel chair for him since getting Stiles to walk was not yet possible. Thankfully his functions were still working. He still ate when food was put near his lips if he was hungry. And he still knew how to use the bathroom if someone took him to it.

Derek cried the first night that Stiles wet the bed. He cried silently the entire time he cleaned Stiles in the tub and then did the laundry.

John had walked in on Derek crying silently over the just started washer and asked what was wrong.

Derek apologized over and over that he hadn't done enough and Stiles had had an accident in the bed. That he cleaned him up and he was just so fucking sorry.

John had teared up and pulled Derek into his arms and held the man as he tried his best to hold back his tears. John had told him that the doctor told him this might happen. That bed wetting after trauma was very common. That it wasn't Derek's fault.

But Derek still held the guilt every time it happened. It didn't happen every night. But it was normal enough that Derek now had put leak proof sheets on the bed under the top sheet.

Derek would softly apologize over and over to Stiles each time. He would wash him and dress him and then just kneel beside him putting on his socks apologizing for not being there to stop this from happening.

Then the nightmare happened...

Stiles scent went sour. Fear. It was the first scent change in him that Derek had smelled in 2 weeks. He got to his feet and in the dark of Stiles room he called out softly. "Stiles?"

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