talk nerdy to me

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Derek smelled tears. Salty scent filled his senses. Stiles is crying. He hears the sniffling.

He's moving before he realizes anything. He is through the window and right beside the bed as Stiles is sitting there sniffling and wiping his eyes.

"Stiles... are you hurt?" Derek reached out and touched his hand trying to pull pain that wasn't there.

"N-no..." Stiles was still sniffling.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked as he sat beside his boyfriend. They had been going out for a few months. It was still awkward for him sometimes. He is not exactly known for dealing with emotions well.

"They... He... You just..." Stiles sniffled harder and hiccuped.

"Stiles..." Derek wrapped his arm around him and pulled him into his chest. "Talk to me."

"It was just... so sad and... I couldn't even... Steve and Bucky... and Tony were just... I cant believe... I mean I read the comic so I know but... watching the trailer was just..." Sniffling and hiccuping again he looks up at Derek.

"......Stiles...... Are you talking about the Captain America movie trailer for Civil War?" Derek deadpanned.

"Y-yeah. It was just so-mmmmm" Stiles was now on the bed being kissed deeply and pinned to the bed. "MMmmm Dermmmm Derek mmmm What aremmmmm"

Derek caressed his body and nipped his lips and then pulled away . "You are ridiculous. You know that don't you." Derek growled down at him. "I thought something was actually wrong."

Stiles blushes and hiccups again. "But I-"

"No Stiles." Derek growled shaking his head. "You freaked me out and now you better let me make you stop crying over your comic book stuff." Derek started kissing Stiles neck and making him writhe under him and gasp. His scent was filled with pleasure and sweet lust now rather than sadness and tears.

The noises he made had Derek's wolf preening in happiness that he was pleasing him. Stiles whimpered his name over and over.

Derek got him to the point where he was quietly begging him for more and then he rolled off of him and grinned down at him with his wolfish grin and then he lay on Stiles bed with him and pulled Stiles against his side. "Okay now tell me all about your nerdy stuff." Derek got comfy knowing Stiles could get long winded when it came to comics.

Stiles blushed as he curled up against Dereks side and asked. "Are you sure you want me to talk nerdy to you. "

Derek chuckled and kissed his impish nose. "Yeah you dork. Go ahead."

"You're the best boyfriend Derek." Stiles cuddled closer and started to go on a long winded rant. Derek smiled through it all.

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