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on chrismas dey came 2 ppl, kailey n alux. alux loved kailey and kailey loved alux but then came fuzzy, the vallin of the story. kailey fell for fuzzy and culdnt decide betwen fuzzy and alux. the hour of chrismas purty came and evry1 came togeher. thy all sung chrismas corals and drink hot coco. then suddly fuzzy and kailey are undr the misltoe. kailey blshed and fuzzy puckerd. thy were abut to kis but then alux came and sed "no kailey is mine!" and pushed fuzzy of clif. kailey looked at alux and saw his muscls and blshed. she relized she loved alux moor than fuzzy. fuzzy ded then alux luuk kailey n the i's and sey "i luv u kailey" kailey then sed "i luv u 2" thy suun relized the misltoe abuv them. they blshed and kised. after that kailey n alux lived togeher 4evar like bffs but moor. they were like moose and canada, like tacos and shels, like, dair i sey it, a perf cuple. thy hud multpe childs untl thy buth died. the end 


I hupe u all licked my stori i put much efort in2 it ;)) 


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