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kailey wake up to stare in alux face. kailey scream and kick him. alux go and wip the bloode off of his face. kailey go run outside. kailey find place. kailey go in place. in place kailey see reconizable  peple. omg it eathun. kailey screm with joy then go hug eathun. eathun shok and and push kailey away. then he see kailey face. he think kailey s cute. (Kailey why are you making me write this.. ) he smile at kailey then hlp her up. kailey thank him. kailey hug eathun again. she show him all her art of him. eathun was embarased and hide his face. kailey kept looking at twitter and tweeting about meeting eathun. eathun follow kailey. kailey get happy. eathun and kailey spend the rest of the day togeher. kailey think she like eathun more than anyone in this harem story. kailey go to kiss eathun but then alux interupt. "KAILEY YOU ONLY KISS ME!!" alux shout. kailey start to cri. eathun and alux fight becuz kailey crying. kailey look at them both. "me hate alux" she said soon regreting it. alux cri and run away. eathun hug kailey. little did they know cookieh was in the background waiting for kailey to write about fictional characters she liked. cookieh watched as it all went duwn, waiting .  . . 

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