The Beginning

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Chapter One

Jean's POV

"Jean! are you done there honey? Harry's been waiting for you!" mom shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm coming mom!" I yelled back.

I'm finally done brushing my hair and get my things and went to meet my bestfriend, Harry sitting on the couch.

"Let's go" I said.

"Well, good morning to you too" he joked.

"Good morning, whatever" I rolled my eyes on him and chucked.

"Aren't you guys going to eat your breakfast, first?" mom said from the kitchen.

"We'll just eat at the school mom!" I said and we walked out if the house and enter Harry's car and drive to school.

By the way, my name is Jean Rose Spiegelmen, I'm 17 and turning 18 next week. I like roses, maybe that's why my middle name is rose duh. Nothing much important about me.

And here's my best buddy, Harry Potter. I mean, Harry Edward Styles. He's one of the school's popular, and me? nah, I just love reading books in the library but I'm not nerd, huh? ;)

After a few minutes of driving to school, here we are.

"Breakfast at the canteen?" Harry asked. We were now walking through the hall way.

"Nah, I'll just eat later, see you later" I said and give him a quick hug and walk to my first class.

The class was just... I could say normal. Just same as what happening everyday.

Time past by then it's lunch time!

I hurry up and pick up my things and went to my locker and put my things inside it and walk to the cafeteria to meet Harry.

I was on my way when someone snatched my arms and I was about to scream but he put his hands on my mouth. Eww

I tried to pull out but the person holding me is too strong.

Omg I hope this isn't the last day of my virginity. The person brought me to the classroom but unfortunately there is no one around.

But suddenly the person boom into laugher and when I look, it's the stupid Jack Parker.

"Hahahaha I can't believe your thinking that I'm gonna rape you" he said while still dying in laughter. Well he's the only one laughing.

"It's not funny you know! You stupid asshole" I said and walk out the door.

Well me and jack use to be 'friends' but when he join the soccer team, he just suddenly became a big head.

"Hey! Jeannieeee wait up!" urgh why won't he just leave me alone.

I just ignore him and head to the cafeteria.

"Wow. You look--" Harry started to tell me what I look but I cut him off

"Save it, I'm not in the mood for your so touching compliments" I said and eat Harry's food because I'm too lazy to order mine.

"Hey! What the-- my food!" he fake angry like a child. Eww

"Just buy yours again" I said and continue eat his untouched burger and fries.

"I hate you" he said and buy himself another

"Love you too" I chucked

When it comes to him, my angriness just vanishing like bubbles.

I like Harry since the start and until now but I'm not going to tell him cause I don't wanna ruin our friendship. Our friendship is gold, that's why in reassuring it.


"Mom, are you coming with me?" I asked, hoping my mother will come with me.

"No dear, I have a lot of things to do at home. I'm sure you can find new friends here" she said, assuring me.

"Really?" I asked again.

"Yes, baby" she answered.

"What if not" I lowered my head, what if I couldn't find friends because I'm shy?

"Of course, you will darling. Now go and find new friends" she said and planted a kiss on my head.

I watched my mom as I walk inside the classroom. When she was finally gone, I sat alone in the corner and watched every kids like me paying with their new 'friends'

The teacher told us to play with everyone. But I only played a ball on the corner with myself, alone.

"Hey, I'm Harry" I looked at the boy standing right in front of me, wearing a sweet smile.

"Hello Harry, I'm Jean" I said in a low voice because I'm not use to speak with anyone except my family and Riley, my old friend in America.

"Wanna play with me?" He asked while smiling.

"Sure" I smiled weakly

"Can we be friends?" He asked again and my weak smile became my real smile


(Flashback end)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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