Chapter One

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 "I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together."

          Present Time (47 years later) Lucinda Perry’s POV

Starting over is hard. Moving, meeting new people and making new friends that are suited to you, is the hardest to experience. That is exactly how I felt about moving from the sunshine state of California to Montrose, Colorado. I specifically chose to move to Montrose for a change in setting. Ever since I can remember I lived in California with my grandma. I was conceived from my dad’s drunken sperm, a mistake according to my mother. My dad bailed before my mom even knew about the pregnancy, so he’s probably out there living life without the knowledge of a daughter. My mom, to immature to handle the responsibility of a baby handed me over my grandma at the age of three. She never returned for me. Grandma told me that she’s married now and has a son who’s twelve. Not even an invitation to her wedding. She hasn’t made any contact with me, heck she's never even made contact with her own mother. No visits for Thanksgiving, no presents at Christmas and no cards for birthdays. She completely shut us out of her life.

That however didn’t mean I had a bad life. My grandma never looked at me like I was her responsibility I was family to her; I was her daughter. She ensured that I had everything I needed and much more. When I turned sixteen, she bought me a new car, when I needed a new outfit she would accompany me to the mall to give me her criticism. Shopping was something we loved doing together. My grandfather died of cancer before I had the chance to meet him, but he never left my grandma struggling, in his younger days granddad worked as the CEO of a large shipping company that has gone worldwide now. He left my grandma with everything; they didn’t have any more children aside from my mother and my grandfather refused to leave everything for my mother.

Tragedy however struck six months ago; my grandma who has been fighting with a rare heart disease finally succumbed and she left me with no other family. I had the option of moving in with my mom in New York but I couldn’t bring myself to live with her, so I emancipated myself moving away from all the memories I had of my grandma. Just thinking about her hurt too much. And to think my mother didn’t even have the audacity to attend the funeral, even though I did send her an invitation. She did come to the reading of the will though, and that was the first time I saw, aside from pictures.

     Six Months Ago

I sat quietly awaiting the arrival of my grandmother’s lawyers. The cleaning staff, some employees of the shipping company, my grandma’s best friend Cecelia all sat in the living room. A knock on the door however brought me out of my thoughts.

“I’ll get it” I whispered to everyone seated in the living room. I made my way to the front door expecting to see the lawyers, but came face to face with a fake blonde woman –and I knew she was fake because her roots were beginning to show- who looked to be in her thirties, she wore a purple silk dress that stopped at her knees, black louboutin pumps, her neck was adorned with a string of pearls. Her nails were elegantly done in a French manicure and she smelled of Chanel no. 5.

“Excuse me miss, who are you?” I asked a little rudely, I knew very well who this woman was, she looked exactly like she did in the pictures I’ve seen of her, except in those picture she was a brunette like grandma.

She stuck her chin out indignantly “I’m the daughter of the decease of course”

“Of course you are” I answered with a scowl on my face “But this is a private reading of her will, I don’t remember anyone mentioning you being here”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2012 ⏰

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