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Important authors note at the bottom! Here it is ENJOY!

Eleanor's POV

We were watching the film Grease! I loved that movie. I watched as Louis got up and walked back the hall to Niall's room.

After about 5 minutes Niall came out and sat down on the love seat with Zayn (haha) and acted like nothing happened.

"So... Niall what happened?"

"Oh she was uh explaining how she cant trust anyone because the last people she trusted raped her , and uh how she doesnt know what love is or what it feels like. So i uh- kissed her to uh show her how to show love and Louis walked in. She told me she didnt want to be left alone with him, and i told her he wouldnt hurt her and well now im here." he look up from the couch and everyones mouths were hanging open.

"And she let you?" Harry asked.

"Really Harry, now is not the time for that!

"Is she okay?" Maybe i should go talk to Lou.

" Well i left her with Louis, so i hope so." Right after he finished we heard Aria screaming at louis saying that she hated him and he would never be her dad.

We looked at each other, than ran to nialls room to find no one there. Aria just locked the door to the bathroom. Louis just opened his door.

"Louis!" I ran to his room. He was face down on his bed crying.

"Louis what happened?"

He kept screaming things into the bed that only sounded like muffles.

"Babe, take your face away from your bed." I said rubbing his back.

"I tried to tell her i was sorry and that she- should give me a chance. She blew up on me about how She gave me alot of chances and I blew all.of.them!"

"Dont worry hun, she'll forgive you! I know it! Im gonna go talk to her. Please dont cry over this."

I got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom door.

Aria's POV (when Eleanor walks to the door)

*knock* *knock*

"What." I snapped.

"Its El babe, may I please come in?"

"Are you gonna come in here to tell me that i have trust you or give you more chances?" I said annoyed while sniffling.

"No. I just want to talk. Nobody is out here except me, i promise."

I trust Eleanor more than anyone right now. I think she knows it too. No getting out of my position on the floor, i reached up to the door and unlocked it.

In came an upset, worried looking Eleanor. She looked at me then turned around shut the door and locked it. At least she knows i don't want to be bothered.

She sat down on the edge of the cream colored tub. I was sitting on a little stool about knee level with my head in my hands. She streched out her arms and put her hands down onto mine, resting them. I looked up at her with puffy, red eyes.

I knew i was about to cry. I didnt want to make everyone upset. I just want yo get back to normal and pretend this never happened.

She shifted so she was on the floor. El moved me into the mold on her legs, holding onto me as i started to cry.

She was a girl, she probably understands how emotional some girls can be. She let the tears pour out of my eyes, it gelt good to be comforted.

I finally spoke up. "I really hurt Lou, didnt I?" I was still hiccuping but i was much calmer.

"Yes. But its okay, you didnt know how to react so you said the first thing that came out of your mouth. I do it too sometimes." She said with a little laugh.

"I made this worse. I didnt think anything would go this far. I mean i didnt want it to anyways."

"I know sweetheart, but we are humans, we make mistakes. Ao its okay, everything will go back to normal."

"Where is Lou? I think i should appologise.." I trailed off

"He's in his room." She paused. "Crying."

I looked down at my lap, i cant believe i made him cry.

I got up out of her lap. "Thank you El, that helped, ya know just letting everything out."

"Anytime hun."

I stepped out of the bathroom and searched for louis' room. I wandered around till i came to a door that had 'Louis' on it.

I let a soft knock on the door. I heard some sniffles and shuffling till the door creeked open. I was greeted by a puffy eyed Louis. He looked like he'd been crying for weeks.

I let my body fall to him as i hugged him. Feeling that if i let go i would drown in the black abyss of sadness i was feeling right now.

I looked up at him.

"I am so sorry for everything Iv'e done.." My voice was barely above a whisper.

"I am more sorry, i pushed you to your limits, I should've stopped. I do it to El all the time." He let out a little laugh.

"Can we go back to normal? And forget this ever happened." I sniffed away the tears.

"Of course sweetie. I love you." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

"But we do have to talk about my little girl and Nialler!" We both laughed.

And for the second time in my life, I finally felt love.


Whoa! Emotional chapter! I was tearing up a little😂😂Thanks for over 200 reads! I WILL UPDATE WHEN I GET 10 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS! Bc you guys never talk to me!

Ok bye!.

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