Where R U Now

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 Happy Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The picture is the character Shirley*

Shirley's P.O.V.

While on my way to rehearsal I decide to grab a French Vanilla Latté and donuts for the group. As I walk in, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Jacob Perez, a.k.a. Princeton, in front of me. "Wow, hey dude! What are doing here?", I ask as he gives me a long, warm hug. Princeton smiles, "Gettin' coffee and a beignet. What about you?", he asks as he smiles a smile that would make any girl faint. "Oh gosh he's sooo cute!! What was his question?", I think to myself. "Just getting my usual Latté and beignets for everybody", I reply looking away. "Awww, that's real sweet of you, Princess.", he replies while biting his bottom lip and smiling. "I really wish he would stop doing that! I've had a crush on him for years!!! I always blush around him and I try my hardest to hide it but fail miserably! But knowing him, he probably doesn't even feel the same. I mean come on, he meets beautiful women all the time! What could he possibly see in me? There's so many times I've wanted to tell him, so many times I wanted to let him know how I truly felt about him, but every time I look in those big, round, light-brown eyes, the words just won't come out!!!", I think to myself. He's always called me cute names like "Princess" or "BabyGirl". "How did you get here?", Princeton asks. "Shit, how do I tell him I don't have a car?", I think to myself. "I, ummm, I walked here", I replied looking down. I couldn't look up at him, I was too ashamed. I know exactly what you're thinking: "If you're famous, why don't you have a car?". Well, when you have people around you that's money-hungry and that try to take everything away from you, it makes life difficult. "Shirley, why didn't you just call me?? I don't want anything happening to you.", Princeton said as he hugged me softly. "It's adorably sweet that he's concerned. It's also cute that he cares so much!", I think to myself. "Princeton, I think it's very sweet that you're concerned and that you care, but I'm okay", I said in a soft, small voice. Deep down inside I knew this wasn't true, but I didn't want Princeton to worry about me. He caresses my cheek softly which makes me shiver and blush as I look down. "BabyGirl, of course I care about you. You're my best friend! Now come on, I'll be giving you a ride from now on.", he replies while holding my hand. "Princeton no, you're not about to act like a taxi and I don't want to be a burden on anybody.", I reply in a small voice. "You're not, just trust me silly person.", he said as we both giggled and sat down to wait for our orders. "Who said that I didn't?", I asked playfully while smiling at him. We got our orders and he drove us to rehearsal.

Princeton P.O.V.

I got up earlier to go grab a coffee and a beignet. As I walked into the café, I saw Shirley. "Damn, who looks this good in the morning?!", I think to myself.With a boost of confidence, I walk over to her and gently tap her shoulder. As she turned around, I was at a loss for words. From her long, black, beautiful hair, to her beautiful, round, hazel eyes that could mesmerize anybody. She was simply perfect in my eyes. "Wow, hey dude! What you doin' here?", Shirley asked me, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled sweetly and told her I was getting my usual coffee and beignet. "What about you? What you doin' here?", I asked while I smiled and bit my bottom lip. She blushed a deep red and I could tell that I had an effect on her. Hell, in my book that makes us even, because EVERYTHING that woman does has an effect on me. From how she dances, to the way she walks, oh gosh the list goes on and on!!! Everything she does just drives me wild! "Just getting my usual Latte and beignets for everyone.", Shirley replied looking out the window. "Damn, that's nice of her! That's one thing I love about her. That's right I said it! I L-O-V-E Shirley!!", I think to myself. "How did you get over here? Do you have a ride?", I asked curiously. I noticed that her mood changed once I asked her that. "Ummm...I walked here.", she said embarrassed. I tilted her chin up and caressed her cheek as she blushed uncontrollably. This concerned me! Why didn't she tell me?? I don't want anything to happen to her, I'd lose my mind!!! "Why didn't you tell me, Shirley?? From now on, I'll be driving you around until you get a ride.", I replied gazing into her eyes. She tried her hardest to convince me that she'd be fine, but I mean come on, I'm Princeton, y'all know I didn't listen. Besides, this means I can see my angel more! We got our orders and we were on our way to rehearsals................

Almost Is Never Enough: A Mindless Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now