Love Can't Set You Free . Chapter 1

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Love Can't Set You Free [1]

I walked along the shore of the beach, sand sticking to my damp feet. My shirt was loosly on, only one shoulder was covered by thin material.

I was wearing white short shorts, with a bikini set under my clothes. Last summer, I wouldn't of dared or fit these clothes.

It wasn't that I was obeses; I was still in my awkward stage. My body was like a stick. Thats it. Striaght. And my face was still developing, till this summer.

I had grown out of my awkward stage, and here I am. Enjoying a great day at the beach where boys actually took a glance at me.

I slip on my sandals and head for the sea shack, I had the urge to eat a sundae I wouldn't finish. In the fall I would have to attend my boarding school again. RFA.

RFA was pretty cool, boys & girls mixed school and it wasn't a school for rich-ass kids. My brother, Drew attends there as a senior, he never did look out for me much until now.

Since my body development of course.

I peeked through a window of the shack, seeing if the line was extremely long. It was, so I went down the street to the sandwich shop.

Sitting down on a stool, I order a number 17 from the guy. I hand him a ten and tell him to keep the change. As I wait, I drum my fingers against the wood, patiently waiting.

A plastic basket slides down to me, and there lay my sandwhich on some napkins and wax paper. I take one bite of the sandwhich and wipe my mouth.

It was roast beef and ... chicken? I'm not entirely sure. I just took a bite and tasted it. I really didn't feel like eating anymore so I wiped my mouth with a tissue and grabbed the basket.

"You're not going to waste that are you?" someone asked.

I looked to the side to meet shiny, carribean blue eyes. My favorite color was... carribean blue.


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Hey, thanks for reading, I have up to chapter 4 typed, but let's just say it's pretty short. So I'm going to work on the length for CH 5' & up [;

Please vote & comment if you want me to upload tomorrow. I'm estimating 3 comments 10 votes for me to upload tomorrow. If you want me to continue comment & vote!



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