Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Present- 2013*

~Misty (18 yrs old)~

"You thought of me as a little girl?!" Roxanne screeched.

I kept on laughing and nodded with tears of laughter in my eyes.I had just finished telling her what I thought me when we met.

"Oh God." She groaned putting her head between her hands, trying to calm down the red blush on her face.

"A-And worst of all you hit C-Carlos! You're crush!" I panted in between my laughter. She had admitted to me she had a crush on him once I got her trust.

Roxanne groaned once more and mumbled," Don't remind me. I didn't even know he was there! That was the worst day of my life!"

"Hey! It was also the day we met, thanks to your clumsy self! Look at us now! We've been the best of friends for five years already and inseparable since then!" I protested with a smirk once my laughter died.

"Yea, I guess." Roxanne smirked back once the blush had gone from her face and brushed her dark brown hair that was in her eyes.

"Five years have passed since that day. Wow. It feels like it was just yesterday dude," she said after a short second of silence.

"Yea... The time's gone fast." I responded back.

"Next thing we know, we're dead." She says bluntly looking at me all seriously.

My eyes widen in shock with her bluntness and say, "What the hell?!"

She bursts out laughing and points a finger at me, "That's what you get! Oh my God! You should've seen your face of horror and shock."

I roll my eyes and grumble, "You're an idiot." She laughs even more and smiles creepily. "Why thank you. But that's why we're friends, eh?" With that she stuffs her mouth with more food, Grilled Teriyaki Chicken to be exact. We're at Panda Express right now because Roxanne practically begged me on her knees to take her here. No joke. I swear she can eat tons of that food and she won't be full!

"Hey Roxanne-" I start but then stop when I see her face. On her face is a smirk. Not her normal smirks... THAT smirk. Oh no.

"Guess who's here Misty. Lover boy," she says throwing a wink at me while nodding her head at who's behind me. She says throwing a wink at me while nodding her head at who's behind me.

I looked behind me carefully and see him, Travis Stone. Oh no. Even worse, he's coming towards our table. I look back at Roxanne and see the smirk growing wider and wider if that's even possible.

I close my eyes and pray," Please don't let him come. Please don't-"

"Hey Misty" Shit. I open my eyes and I see Roxanne stifling a laugh. I glare at her but she just smiles her creepy smile. I turn to Travis and with a forced smile I say, "Hey!"

The thing is, Travis likes me but I don't. Ever since I told Roxanne about what happened a year ago with him, I still feel bad and Roxanne has been teasing me since then. In a good way not bad because she always teases me with boys. She's not teasing me because of what happened.

She insists that I like him but I don't and that's final! I mentally groan with the next thing Roxanne says, "Well I'll leave you two alone! I need to get something to drink!" and with that she picks up her cup filled with Coke and walks pass me but not before whispering to me, "Get you some!"

I gasp and I glare at her flicking her off. Bitch. Oh yeah Travis. I look at him to see he's been staring at me. Oh gosh. "Hello?" I ask, waving a hand in his face. That knocks him out and he blushes, realizing he's been caught. " Misty... I was wondering if you know... if you w-want maybe we c-can." Before he got to finish Roxanne came back to our table with her creepy smile.

Yes! Thank you Roxanne! I get up, leaving Travis there and run up to Roxanne and say to her, "Hey we need to go! It's an emergency!" She looks at me like I'm crazy and then her face is full of panic. "No! I haven't finished eating! My grilled Teriyaki chicken!"

With that I drag her out of Panda Express, say bye to Travis in a rush and dragged her to the car. "What the hell you hoe? Don't you Ever do that again! Especially when it comes to Panda Express! My life!" She exaggerates but I roll my eyes.

"Now what's the emergency?" She asks. Crap. I stay silent. She looks at me with an eyebrow raised when suddenly she smiles creepily. "It's because of him right? You loser!" And she bursts out laughing. "Shut up! God that's the worst you ever did!"

"Oye that's because you pushed me into the boys' restroom last year!" She protested. "That's because you pushed me into Travis you bitch!" I say remembering that day.

I remember that day like if it were yesterday. Unfortunately that's not good thing. Me and him had the same class together and that day he had offered to walk with me to my class. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be late," I say trying to avoid him from walking with me. "Yea I'm sure." So we started walking together and he was on my right really close to me that I felt a bit awkward. And all of a sudden, Roxanne, not noticing him walked on my left. I saw her and she gave me that creepy smile as usual. And the worst happened and she hip-bumped me to him and she left laughing. "Oh gosh," I say nervously falling on him in which he then grabbed me. "Are you alright?" "Um... yea I'll be right back." And without letting him respond back I ran after her. I got a hold of her backpack and used my force to push her into the guy's restroom. "Ugh... Why did you do that?!" I almost screamed at her. "I was just playing, gosh, don't have to be all mad. I g's not like you didn't want that to happen," she says smiling really huge. "Ugh... I got to go." I walk back to Travis all passed. "I'm sorry Travis I got to get to class," I tell him trying to calm down. "It's alright bye." He gave me my good-bye hug and left the other way.

"And your welcome. You'll thank me later." And once again a smirk and wink thrown at me. " Ughhhhh" I groan while she laughs.

"Hey it's obvious you like him! No! You two love each other! I see the way you two look at each other." She says and makes kissy faces. I pull a face of disgust and push her face away. "You've got to be kidding me. I do not love him! I don't even like him!" I object but she won't listen.

"Pish posh! You like him! You like him! You just don't wanna admit it because you're too stubborn! You like him! You like him!" She screams and I glare at her and slap my right hand on top of her mouth to shut her up. "Sh! People will here us!" with a shushing motion against my lips.

Suddenly I feel something wet and cold on my right palm. My eyes widen. "Ew! That's gross Roxanne!" I screech while she howls in laughter. Once she's done she chants "Misty and Travis sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then comes marriage! Here comes-" I interrupt her by screaming "Shut up! Please. I. Don't. Like. Him. " I beg her.

She looks into my eyes and says in a confident voice, "Bet! I bet you will fall for him by the end of this year! November 23! C'mon let's bet!" I think for a moment. Hm..Oh what the hell. I know I'm going to win.

"Alright. But we need to set the rules." I agree to her childness but I'm going to prove her wrong. "Yay! Ok if I win, and you actually fall for him, you have to tell him your feelings for him and KISS him! On. The. LIPS!" She screeches while pointing at her lips that were in a huge smirk. What's up with her and smirking so much?!

I think for a second and respond, "Alright. But if I win, you are going to have to...kiss...Ethan Mastronado. On. The. LIPS!" I pull the same kissy face she did to me. I look at her and she has her eyes wide. "W-What!" She yelps. "You heard me!"

Ethan Mastronado is our friend but knowing how he is he can be a pain in the butt. It's not like it bothers her. I know she has a mini crush on him but she don't realize that. "Fine." She says. "But just so you know, I'm going to win! If by November 23 of this year you fall for him I win!"

"And if I don't, I win and you have to kiss Ethan!" I retort back at her with a smug face. She smiles and agrees. "It's a bet." "It's a bet." I repeat and shake her hand that is out for me to shake.

I turn back and drive our way to the mall next. All this time thinking about the bet, not listening to Roxanne screaming out the lyrics to One Direction's "Story Of My Life"

What have I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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