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Two pairs of ears waiting for the next set of words to be said. Two lips sealed refraining to speak. Two pairs of eyes nailed to the owner of the voice.

"Implant my baby," Arhianna decided without consenting her wife. Regardless of whoever squealed the information about them doesn't matter to her. The only concern she have right now is to get pregnant. To have the baby in her womb. To care for the unborn child. To bring out a little Glaizel Galura into the world.

Dr. Panganiban's face lit up, however Glaizel has a steel faced reaction, not because she don't want to go on with the implant, but her mind still searching for answers. Answers on how this hospital knew about them.

The two women facing each other kept on exchanging conversation that as if Glaizel don't hear anything. She don't want to over react. It could be just a coincidence or any possible way that the director knew.

"Baby, are you sure you're alright?" she heard her wife asked along with a tap on her leg.

"Hm? Yeah... Yeah, am okay. If you want to proceed, then we will. When should we leave? Do we have to process anything else? How about the embr, I mean the baby? Will it survive the travel? I don't anymore thingamajigy drilling... No more harvesting. I'm not part of FarmVille," then she pouted though she didn't remember anything from the process of harvesting since she was asleep as a dead log.

"I have another good news for you to pull you both back up. Give me a minute," the doctor stood up again and retrieve a brown envelop from her table. Going back to her place, she pass the envelop to Arhianna.

With so much excitement, Arhianna opened the paper container with shaking hands and shallow breathing. It contains a request transfer of patients approved and signed by another IVF specialist in Greece named Dr. John L. Cruz of New Life IVF Clinic.

"A transfer request?" Glaizel asked when she peeked at the paper held by her wife.

"I have assumed that despite of the bad news you will press on with the implant. So I contacted a friend. We met in an IVF Seminar in Italy last year," the doctor explained.

"And who is this Dr. John L. Cruz?" Glaizel continued asking with a hint of intrigue. 

"I know that tone Ms. Galura. Shut it!" she rounded her eyes that made Glaizel chuckle. Her thoughts about the culprit who divulge their info disappeared all of  sudden. "So guys, comments? Violent reactions? Anything?"

"Will the baby make it? You said that not all embryos will survive freezing and thawing when its time to be used and I might get low chance of pregnancy,"

"Like I said, "not" all. And like you said, its a risk. You still want to?"

"Yes, ofcourse. I'm willing to take that risk," Arhianna was determined. "I want us to leave tomorrow for Greece,"

"Tomorrow?! Are you sure?" Glaizel's voice was not surprised but there's a pinch of uneasiness.

"Yes. We cannot prolong it. I don't want to loose our Lablab, Glai. So please just agree with me," She answered with pleading eyes.

Glaizel is lost for words. That determination in her wife's declaration, though she took is willing to take the risk. 

"Another good news. Dig inside the envelop, bok,"

Glaizel took the brown envelop resting on her wife's lap and dug. She pulled out a thick white envelop.















Three tickets to Greece via Turkish Airlines for tomorrow morning.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Arhianna almost jumped with so much delight on the actions taken by their doctor.

"Sorry I didn't asked you first," the doctor said.

"Sorry? There's nothing to apologize about, bok. Actually, a big big big hug is in order," Glaizel stood up, extending both arms that Dr. Panganiban did the same. "Thank you so much bok. I don't know what else to say. What will we ever do without you. Mommy Cristy is such an angel to have found you,"

"Awww... Its nothing, bok. Though, I want to be Lablab's godparent,"

"You don't have to ask, Angel," Arhianna also stood, wrapping her arms around the two women.

The couple went back to their hotel. Fix what they have to for the will not consume the remaining days of their stay. 


In a dark and chilly room, a pair of eyes gently moving from right to left as she reads the email she had received that afternoon. She felt light as she reads it over and over again. 

After she was told by one of the waitress she befriends with in The Rewind that the owner will be having a baby through a scientific process, her world cracked. The vision of her and her Mine blurred and it will soon disappeared once a child adds up in the equation. She's no murderer to eliminate an innocent child but she can prevent it. 

Being a pep do such wonders plus being active in seminars and organizations to meet a lot of people. People whom you can give favors and will do the same thing in return. Who can be her connections. 

As soon as she knew that the couple went to Istanbul for an IVF, she searched for the hospital then look through her contact list whom she can ask favor. A name arise as she go through her list and the only way to contact her connection is by a long -distance call. Regardless of how expensive that kind of call is, it doesn't matter. She is well-lived and her parents left her a large sum, properties and few business to support her all her life.

At first her contact refused to do her favor but she was able to persuade him. 


Fear to have his reputation ruined, he gave in. She instructed to send an anonymous hand written letter to the hospital director informing him that a couple that goes by the names Glaizel and Arhianna Galura are lesbians and are married, wanted to undergo IVF to have a child. She knows that the hospital will deny the two of the service since Turkey is a Muslim country and against same sex relationship. She also sent an email of pictures she had in her computer of the couple's wedding and some stolen shots of their intimacies. 

The following day, her contact emailed back that the hospital responded and had indeed denied the couple of the service. 

Unbeknownst to her, the couple's doctor, their personal angel acted. Knowing her friend, Glaizel, she knows that she will do whatever her wife wants to be happy. The first time they met, she witnessed how a child will make them complete. And being a best friend, she will help them even without them asking her. 


kakairita tong mysterious panis na hopiang to.... She thought she can stop what the Galuras want. Sad to say, may Angel ata sila. 

Don't forget to vote peeps...

Ciao bellas!!

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