Part One

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The sound of the ticking clock is the loudest thing you hear inside your room. /shit .. how can i sleep?/ You've been lying wide awake on your bed for like an hour. And all you can think is the event tomorrow.
The big day. Your debut. You've been preparing for it for four years. At last trainee days have ended.
You sighed. Emotions are mixing. Excitement, nervousness, the chills.

You decided to get off your bed and take a little walk around the building. Thinking it will help you shake off the uneasiness and nerves. Slipping your sneakers and a simple shirt, and you know you are ready. As you walked out of your room, the narrow hallways welcomed you. The dim lights made the path looks unending. You swiftly pulled your smartphone out of your jeans' pocket. "12:20" You mumbled under your breath. You laughed inside your head. Tomorrow is your debut and you're sleepless and now you're about to walk around the management building like its nothing. Ten minutes have passed of walking until you turned to an alley. The light emitting from a door caught your eyes.

"Maybe they left it open..." You smiled. An idea popped out of your silly mind. Your steps are as light as clouds as you grab the knob of the red door. You peeked in and saw mirrored walls and the famous cloud wall. Lockers are big enough for a person to fit in. The room's massive space is revealed before your eyes when you fully entered. "Whoah ... this can be SJ's .. or EXO's." You giggled to the thought. You faced the mirror and got amazed. You stared at your reflection for a while. Examining the changes the process on becoming an idol brought you. You smiled.

Your eyes travelled around the room quickly before you tap the random button on your playlist. "A dance won't hurt." You say smirking to the reflection before you. Shinee's Danger came to its ending and EXO's Playboy is on. You really liked this song that you instanly put it on repeat. Lyrics by lyrics you felt the vibe into your system. You started to dance gracefully. Mixing your freestyle steps and the original steps. Waves and a mix of pop and lock. The song ended and you lie down on the floor. You breathe deep and close your eyes for a moment.

You didn't notice the footsteps coming closer. "Hey.." A deep raspy voice cuts your way to dreamland. Your eyes went wide. You look into the mirror and saw a tall guy in white shirt and skin tight jeans. His hair is disheveled like he just woke up. "Hey .." He repeated as he rub his eyes by the back of his hand.
You instantly got up on your feet and unconsciously bowed. /shit ... this is embarrassing/ you said in your mind. You looked up to him. His eyes are intently looking at you. His head is tilted to the side and his arms are crossed in front of his chest. "What?" You asked but he just smirked. That act got you. You asked yourself how can this human being make a person's heart beats frantically with just a fucking smirk? And now you can't look at him. Your eyes wandered on the floor. "I guess you are on the dance line in your group..." He stated. "How did—" Your question is cut off. "There ... I fell asleep on the couch. Saw you dancing." Then he smiled. /how the hell didn't i notice?/. You said to yourself. "Great music, great dance, sexy indeed. That is how Playboy should be danced." He gave a teasing side smile.

And you lost it. You bite your lip unconsciously and chuckled. "I heard you do it better than any of the members. I need some advice from EXO's main dancer." You lift your eyebrows. "Well..." He started walking to the side causing you to face the mirror. He ended up behind you. "The key is in the hips." And before you know it, his hands are both on your hips. Your breathing hitched and he chuckled. He liked it. And you know. "Well have you also heard that this song is my specialty?" Kai whispered, his lips on your left ear.

(NOTE: Better play PLAYBOY NOW)

Then you realized the music haven't stopped. "I want to know you, but my way. Shall we?" He asked. "We both have the same way of knowing a person, Kai. So, sure." You answered quick before you slightly parted from him, and started dancing. You saw his oh so sexy smirk. And damn it made you more excited as he dance with the music. Both of you got into the mood. Dancing in sync, perfection. Feeling every beat and lyric. His slight touches brought goosebumps to the spot every finger lands on your skin. He come real close blurting out some lyrics. His breathe fans your ear. "Gwaenchanha .. gwaenchanha ... nae maeum jeonbu algo isseo gwaenchanha... gwaenchanha... gwaenchanha .. beoyeojwo ne bimirul da..." Until the first chorus part, both danced the original steps. He chuckle, reminding you he leads. You responded with a wink. He mouthed the lyrics as he stares at you. ~dangyeonhan i play play play play~ He walked fast behind you, really close. Encircling his left hand on your stomach as he leads you to dance with the music. Both of you repeated the sensual steps with the beat of the song. ~dangyeonhan i play play play play~.

Second verse, his touches makes you shiver but you hide it all with a chuckle. He is bolder and aggressive. So are you. You have no second thoughts on landing your palms on his back , sometimes on his thumping chest. His hands also, on your back, on your waist, shoulders. His touches are intoxicating. And you need more of his professional touches.

Kai's presence is too much to handle, you need more of him. So he is more than what you heard and you saw on the internet. He has this tenderness that attracts the physical sense of person. But then his inner persona will put you deep that you can't easily escape. "Gwaenchanha ... gwaenchanha .. nae maeum jeonbu algo isseo gwaenchanha... gwaenchanha gwaenchanha ... beoyeojeo ne bimirul da..." Its your turn to sing. You smiled when he chuckled. "And she can sing too." He said pulling you to him by waist. You let out a laugh. Both of you stayed still for a moment. Panting, chuckles between heavy breathing. "You did a great job miss." He said. His face is really close, your noses almost touching. "_________ is my name mister." Both of you let out a breathy laugh. The mint flavour from his mouth met your lips. "Beautiful name... for a beautiful face." You lifted both of your hands and swing them around the back of his neck. Your hands ended playing on his newly colored brown locks. Then you heard his rap on the bridge part of the song.

"And you did a great job on this part of the song." He laugh. "I know." The heat emitting from his body is radioactive. It suffocates you , you need too breathe. Baekhyun's voice ringed on your ear. His falsetto is perfect.

Then Kai smashed his lips on yours. Its was hungry. Bold. Hot. You forgot everything instantly. The sweat on his face mixed with yours. And you don't mind. He caged your body with his strong lean arms. You gave in with his deep kiss. He tilted his head for more access. And you let him. Teeth grinding, bodies shivering. Its messy and both of you liked it. It didn't take long until your back hits the cold leather of the couch. How didn't you notice you we're lifted? You broke the kiss for air. And he stared at you, hovering you , with his hands on the sides of your head. His eyes are darker than before. He is fucking beautiful. "Nice meeting you _______."


He said playfully. "And nice meeting you too... Jongin." You smiled. Then he kiss you again. Lifting you so you sit on his lap. You reach for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, slightly breaking the kiss. Your hands trailed the lean muscles on his abdomen. They're perfect. You smile between the kiss.

He pulled from the kiss leaving you breathless. His plump lips are now on your jaw, traveling to your neck down to your collar bone. His ministrations are perfect. You let out a loud sigh as he bit the skin just above your left collar. The stingy feeling changed into a pleasure as he eased the pain with his hot tongue. His hands are traveling on your back, under your thin shirt, reaching the clasp of your brassier. "Easy playboy .." you whispered slightly pushing him. "Easy?" He kiss you again. "Good luck because I can't." And again. "I'll make sure..." Then again. "you'll have the best night..." He gave a long lick on your neck. "Uhhhnm" Shit you are drowning. You can't just restrain your moan. You heard him chuckle in deep tone. "You'll have the best night as a trainee before debut..." Then he attacked your lips again in more agression.

But something snapped on your idiotic mind. /debut/. That word keeps on repeating on your mind as you kiss. You pulled away. "Why?" Ask with a wondering face. "Debut ... sorry. Tomorrow ... gosh." Your words are rambling. Then you felt his lips again, but gently. "Hey chill." He said after. You bit your lips in worry. "Sorry?" You half apologized,half questioned. He laugh loudly. "Hey! Your voice." You smack him on the chest with the back of your hand. "Ow!" Kai played a wince. Then silence. You felt his hands on your waist tightened. And you know, if you keep him to do that, you'll lose it again and won't be able to attend your debut stage. So you lean closer making your foreheads touch.

"Its okay ... tomorrow's a big day." He said sweetly. "I'm giving you five seconds to get off of me before your dreams on being an idol vanish. Five... " You freaked out when he started counting. "Stop counting babo!" You push him by chest. "Three..." He keeps on until you're fully off of him. You heard him laugh again. /This guys is really something./ You said in your mind as you watch him pick up his shirt on the floor and redressed himself. He faced back and you can see the muscles on his back flex. You gulp with the view. "I'm going." You said trying to be calm and fixing yourself. You walk towards the door and before you turn the knob, he speak.

"We'll be performing for tomorrow's opening." You turn to him and furrowed your eyebrow. "So, see ya." He said before a wink. Damn you are melting. "Okaaaay?" You answered unsure. You giggled as you went out of the practice room. The best pre debut indeed. "Bless my insomnia." Your cheeks burned as you reminisce it all.

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