Bird(?) + Artist speaks IMPORTANT

87 27 11

Here have a little doodle from me of bird

it's indeed a weird bird xD dont ask me whats going on in my mind and eyes xD-----------------

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it's indeed a weird bird xD dont ask me whats going on in my mind and eyes xD

Sooo I wanted to talk about a little thing in here.
I'm so fucking happy of how many people voted, commented and opened this art book of mine. Like seriously. Why ya still look at my art and doodles xD?

I'm so happy for every star (vote), for every speechbubble (comment) and for every eye (view) ya guys gave me. It's one of the few things that really bright up my shitty dark days. I really love it when I can make people happy with my art. There where also a few times I inspired people with my art, which really touched me.

Okay now I have like 194 or 195 "chapters" in this book and that means soon there won't be enough space for more drawings in this book.

So I decided to make a second Art book. :D

When you want to see more of my art than you will find my new shit on a second artbook. xD (I haven't made it yet. But I will make it. And when I published it I will tell it in here as well)

I hope that my art will become better (before I die xD jk) And thanks to everyone for liking, voting, commenting and looking at my art ÓwÒ)/

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