I have a question for all people that belongs to the 'creative type'...
The question sounds stupid as heck but.. I really need an awnser to it..
Do you have a messy room?
I know this situation goes from Oh yes a question :D to Oh no what the heck is this kind of question D:
But honestly.. I heard that people say that creative people like artists ,authors and etc. have a messy room and that shows that these people think diffrent than "normal people". (Is it true o.O? please tell me if it's true)
Well... I have a (really really REALLY) messy room and I got shouted and insulted by my parents cuz of it.
But even with the mess I can find everything when I search it...hmm strange...
My parents always want me to get a clean room but somehow I can't make my room less messy D: it always end up in a mess
so... do you have a messy room too? qwq