Chapter Two

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" Cassie I swear to god if you don't get the fuck down these stairs I'm going to go up there and drag you down " my dad yelled

I ran as fast ask could down the stairs jumping two at a Time to complete my task faster . My father is a man you should never leave waiting simply because he had no patience Or self control .

"I'm sorry daddy , I was just getting my stuff together , I have to make 1000 pounds tonight right? And if I go with two guys that will give me a 100 and if I sell the dope , and meth as well as the needles that will give us more than 100 pounds with a 300 pound profit" I said speaking while picking up all the drugs I needed and stuffing the into the bag I had making sure to adjust my dress that I would rather call a top and slip on my hells by the door .

"Yes Cassandra , now how many times do I have to tell you to get your skanky little ass out there ? " my father yelled , his large rough hands digging into my sides as he pushed me towards the door and out into the cold winter night .

This time I didn't fight him to stay inside where it was slightly warmer than it was out there. Simply because it was no use . He wanted his daily payment and that was what he was going to get , right down to the last cent .

I fell slightly forward walking as straight as I could in these heels . They were the most revolving thing I have ever seen , with gold studs poking out everywhere , but they were also great to have for protection as some of the costumers can get a little, lets say rowdy ,when they got excited . And yes , you guessed it ,they where about as comfortable as walking on hot rocks while conversing with satan himself .

I grabbed onto one of the lamp posts where I usually start my rounds , Abi saw me and walked over in a very similar outfit but with a slightly shitter dress than mine , simply because she's still kind of new here and hasn't had the wits to save her money on the side to buy the outfits she needed . She has the same rounds as me and we've gotten along just fine so far .

" alright Cass , want a cig?" She said with a hard cough as she lit her own

" yeh , left mine back at the gaff , didn't have time to get them " I replied whilst sparking up the lighter and watching the flame lick the end until it was bright orange and inhaling the savoury of it.

She left me alone after a few minutes of basic talk like ,"how much do you have to make tonight ?,","when you're shift over ? "," how much gear are you selling ?"

I prayed that someone would stop tonight because I needed to sell all this shit or my ass may as well be on the line . Minutes passed and cars would honk as they drove past , the occasional one would shout out " dip for me babe " or " let me see those knickers " all to which I complied to because at least they were decent enough to buy enough gear to give me a head start than all the others .

A car pulled up, much to my surprise it was rather shitty compared to all the others .

The driver rolled down the passenger window and shouted a very roughly " how much?" To which I replied with a smirk and a lick of the lips " 50 and hour ". He seemed satisfied with my prices and asked me to do a little spin for him to which he hummed in approval .

I was just about to get into the car when the man got a phone call and told me to wait outside until he was done . I held up a box of cigs that Abi gave me asking for permission to which he nodded in approval , not really paying much attention .

" what do you mean the shipment is messed up? I gave you specific fucking orders you twat" the man bellowed all whilst keeping a hard glare out the windscreen . I heard some talking backing on the other line before he replied " fine , I'm on my way but I've got company , tell the lads to be at the docking bay by the time I get there " and with at he hung up the phone .

" we'll sweetheart it looks like you're going to be gone for a while , we have some business to take care of " I simply nodded as I was always told never to speak unless being told I could .

We drive down a dirt road , it looked familiar , one that my dad brought me and Cody and Connor down before to get a shipment because his men were attending business elsewhere .

We pulled to an abrupt stop outside a wear house with the lights on inside and many men conversing outside with cigarets and joints hanging out of there mouths .

" out " was the only thing he said before leaving the car himself and walking onwards the group of lads who all had there eyes trained on me as I walked towards them .

" well , what's a pretty little thing like you doing with a douche like him ?" One of the guys laughed .

" shut it you asshole , I needed some fun but then you guys decided it would be more fun and jolly to fuck up the shipment " he bellowed . I had a feeling he had great authority over them as they all stood with there backs straight and hands by their sides keeping their eyes on the ground .

" sorry cook , we didn't know that Perkins had changed their shipping schedules , we think its because his misuses got knocked up and he has to deal with her shit" one of the men said with a low voice .

" fuck off , you're telling me Perkins got his misuses up the duff ? " cook replied . Well at least I knew his name now .

" this is fucking brilliant " he said with a laugh .

He then turned to me, put his hands on my hips and said " we'll sweetcheeks , do you want to get drunk and stay the night?" Cook asked with a smirk .

I didn't reply verbally , I just simply nodded . Something told me I just got on a ride that only goes up and boy I had no intention of getting off .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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