Chapter 8

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First day of December and nothing changed, no further solution on sending him back on his world. We just couldn’t find anything, have been searching in any way we could, but still nothing. I put down the book I was reading on the table and eventually saw someone’s face quietly and peacefully sleeping, who was Bo Gum. I leaned my chin on my hands above the table, carefully examining his facial features. He was really a handsome Crown Prince, that’s why Soo Bin couldn’t help spacing out when she was talking to him.

Upon staring at him, his bracelet caught my attention. He was wearing it this time. “It must be nice seeing the pair of that bracelet of yours on my wrist too,” I blurted out whilst carefully touching it, trying not to wake him up. “I must have gone crazy. Shall I send you home for your sake or let you stay for my sake?” I mumbled as I stared back on his face, eventually closing my eyes and shaking my head to remove those thoughts. “Aniya. I’m really crazy for thinking that way. Please forgive me. Kurae, let’s do our best to send you back on your world.” Closing my eyes was what I did next as sleep slowly took over me.


The feeling of someone’s staring at me woke me up. I eventually opened my eyes sluggishly as I saw a book in the air before me, somehow blocking the sunlight for me. It was just when I realized someone was holding it, and eventually learned it was Bo Gum. I sat properly right away, trying not to get embarrassed myself in front of him again.

“Good afternoon,” he greeted instead. I immediately glanced at the wall clock inside this public library as it showed 2:38 in the afternoon. Just how many hours had I been sleeping this time? I slept at around nine in the morning, therefore passed five hours? Out of nowhere, we then heard my stomach grumbling, which made him chuckle. I closed my eyes in disconcertment he just brought with his chuckle, and put my head back on the table without hesitation.

He was still in a state of chuckling, not even trying to stop himself from doing it. Kurae, it was fun. He was having fun putting me in embarrassment. “What do you want to eat?” I then heard him asking.

“Anything,” I responded, not even giving him any glance before he stood up. I sat up properly once again as I heard footsteps walking away from me. One book then caught my attention, entitled Queen In-Hyun’s Man, probably a historical fiction book.

I started reading it and after finishing the first three chapters, I concluded right away, “Daebak! This is it! They both had the same situation, travelling from past to present.” I continued reading until Bo Gum returned back on his seat.

“What are you reading?”

I took a look at him as my lips curved up, excitedly responding, “Oppa, I think we will be able to take the first step on sending you home.”

“What do you mean?” he queried, confused. I flipped the pages through the previous chapters and immediately showed him the line that fascinated me.

Another world appeared before him in a blink of an eye as he appeared before her strangely.

“It was the same thing that happened to us, right?” He nodded fascinatedly. I flipped again the pages through the next chapters and once again showed him the line that made me make my conclusion on his situation.

She then learned that he came from the past, safely time travelling because of the talisman with him, which can make him travel from past to the present and the other way around in just a blink of an eye.

He smiled, as hopes and excitement from him didn’t escape from my eyes. “Does this mean I have a chance to come back now?” I nodded happily.

“We just need to figure out what talisman is that that brought you here in this world. If Kim Bong Do’s talisman was his protection that made him travel in time as his life was put in danger, then what do you think your talisman is?” He thought for a while, but I guess, nothing came across his mind. He shook his head and eventually shrugged his shoulder, which proved my speculation in mind.

“I can’t think of anything. As I remember, no one ever gave me a strange thing like that talisman of Kim Bong Do.”

“If that’s not the way, let’s think for another one. Just for now, let’s find out what talisman that might be, ne?” I told him to somehow encourage him not to give up. “Something must have served as your talisman without you realizing it. What that might be?” I thought whilst tapping my fingers on the table, but he suddenly stopped it as he put a set of food in front of me.

“Let’s stop thinking for a while. For now, let’s eat?” he chuckled, making me laugh in a quiet way. We then talked about something different from his situation whilst eating, such as how he adapted on this world and how he lived on the other world. It was totally different, according to him, how he lived on these two worlds and the two worlds itself.

“Oppa, now that you experience living on these two different worlds, where do you want to live now?” He opened his mouth immediately but eventually closed it, not even a single word slipped from his mouth. He thought for a while and soon decided to just shrug it off. “What if Ra On is with you right now, where do you want her to live?”

“Here,” he immediately responded. I asked him why and he just replied, “We are both free here. No one will chase her here, and no one will put me down here. Politics and power will not come on our way. We’re simply two ordinary people, living ordinarily. Isn’t it great to live together and love each other without circumstances trying to break us apart?” I smiled at him. Kurae, it must be great to live and love that way, no problems, and no complications. “Somehow, I’m excited to see ourselves in this world. Will that ever happen to us?”

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