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Sansa watched as Lord Baelish slipped through the door and vanished. She looked around the room, but no one seemed to have noticed his departure. Sansa's gaze shifted to Margaery and Joffrey, who were engrossed in conversation across the room.

As Sansa stood amongst the guests, she recognized that no one was paying her any attention, and she realized how easy it would be for her to simply slip away and follow Lord Baelish. Sansa took a deep breath as she slowly made her way through the crowd of guests towards the door Lord Baelish had disappeared into. Hand on the door, Sansa scanned the room one last time before pushing through and closing it behind her.

Sansa stood in a shadowy hallway with a set of stairs leading up to the second level of the castle. The muffled sounds of the masquerade began to fade behind her as she slowly made her way up each step. When Sansa reached the top of the staircase and stepped through the door, her breath caught and she stopped dead in her tracks.

Desperate to steady herself, Sansa found herself staring down the same cold stone hallway of her dreams. It was exact in every way, down to the very last detail, and Sansa knew what awaited her on the other side. She considered going back to the party, to Margaery, but one voice in her head told her to run while another softer, quieter whisper of a voice told her to press on, edging her on further, closer to the unknown mystery of Lord Baelish.

In her moment of doubt and fear, Sansa made her choice. Pushing all of her fear aside, she listened to that whispering voice and started down the long hallway towards her deciding fate.

Sansa pushed open the heavy door and could hear the music from the ballroom playing softly through the stone built walls. She stood on the balcony and began looking down into the large room, willing herself to continue her journey. Slowly, and with hesitant steps, she descended down into the sunken room towards Lord Baelish. Like in her dream, Lord Baelish was standing in front of a roaring fire with a wine glass in his hand and his back to the room.

"I was beginning to worry that you had decided not to come." Sansa could hear Lord Baelish comment as she came up to him.

"I almost didn't." Sansa replied coolly, trying to keep her voice steady as she spoke. In that moment, she was both excited and terrified. Sansa thought she could almost hear her blood pumping through her whole body as she faced Lord Baelish.

Lord Baelish smiled, yet Sansa noticed it did not quite reach his ever darkening eyes.

"And now that you are here, sweetling?" Lord Baelish inquired as he placed his glass down on the mantle and pulled Sansa into himself. Sansa closed her eyes as she fell into Lord Baelish's grasp. They began to sway softly to the distant music, lost in each other.

Lifting a hand, he gently pushed aside Sansa's ginger locks, allowing his fingers to ghost over her slender neck before lowering his head. Sansa shivered at the contact.

"I have waited so long for you, my love." Lord Baelish whispered into Sansa's ear and then proceeded to lightly nip her earlobe before shifting lower and placing a lingering kiss at her neck. Sansa could feel his nostrils flaring as he took in her scent, and the idle hand he had placed on her lower back began to move, drawing small, caressing circles. His touch sent tingles down her spine, and she could feel the pit of her stomach grow warm with desire. She placed her hands on Lord Baelish's chest, pushing him away slightly as she tried to regain some resemblance of control.

"Lord Baelish...." Sansa breathed before being cut off.

"Call me Petyr." He rasped and before she realized it, Lord Baelish had pulled her back in, his lips finding hers instantly as he demanded she succumb to his advances. Sansa submitted, unable to fight her burning desire for her mysterious host.

As their kiss grew, Sansa parted her lips slightly for air. Lord Baelish took full advantage of her lungs needing breath and fully dominated her as he intensified the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in further as he spun her around, pressing her up against the side of the fireplace mantle. He raked his hands up and down her slim form as he relished in her surrender to him.

Minutes passed before Lord Baelish broke their kiss and guided Sansa over to the window, turning her around until her back was pressed against his body.

"Tell me, what do you see, love?" Lord Baelish asked as he kissed the nape of her neck. Sansa stared into her reflection, shocked at what she saw being cast back. She barley recognized herself.

Sansa stood in her grand dark emerald green gown with silver broadening, taking note of the long sparkling feathered wings that flowed down her arms. She could feel the satin lace of her corseted back pressing tightly against Lord Baelish's silky black shirt. Glancing up at her face, she took in her matching dark emerald feathered mask that showcased her smoky sapphire blue eyes and butterscotch shaded lips. As she stared at her reflection in the glass, realization finally dawned on Sansa. Her gown unknowingly matched Lord Baelish's mockingbird pin. She removed her mask as she took a deep shallow breath.

Lord Baelish inched closer, molding his body to her. Sansa was unsure just what he expected her to see, but luckily he seemed to sense her confusion.

"Do you know what I see?" He uttered softly as Sansa shook her head.

"I see a very lonely soul, and a lonely heart that is out of place. You don't belong with them. You know that, sweetling. You belong right here with me." Lord Baelish lightened his grip on Sansa as she turned back round to face him.

"Lord Baelish...." Sansa started.

"Petyr." He interjected, quirking his lips up into a small smirk.

"Petyr, do you..." Sansa struggled with her words, not knowing exactly how to voice her question.

"How do I know you feel lost and out of place?" Sansa could only nod as he finished her thought for her. "Because I know you. I feel you just as you feel me. You knew me well before tonight, didn't you, Sansa?" His knowing gaze pierced through her as her eyes widened.

" was just a dream." Sansa breathed in confusion.

"Dreams, my love, simply tell us what our soul wants, and who we truly are. I can help you. I can show you what your life can be. All you have to do is say yes. Say yes." Those last words were spoken almost as a command as Lord Baelish reached for Sansa once more, pulling her into his embrace with a force that stole her breath away.

She was suddenly surrounded by the familiar scent of mint, which she was beginning to associate with this complex man. The aroma was soothing, almost like a healing elixir. Sansa inhaled and exhaled long, deep breaths onto his skin as she tried to relax her wildly beating heart. Weighing his words with care, Sansa tried to decide if she wanted to follow Lord Baelish down this dark path he was offering, or if she should flee back to the party. He was right. She had always felt out of place, lost and alone, and the idea that she could actually belong, feel whole, was very tempting. A heartbeat later and she had her decision.

"Yes." She whispered so quietly that had there been anyone else in the room with them, one would have had to strain their ear to hear her.

Lord Baelish dominated her again with his mouth, kissing her deeply before releasing her plump, red lips and began trailing wet kisses down her jawline to her neck. He quickly found her pulse point and suckled, pushing her blood to the surface. His skilled tongue lavished the spot. Sansa leaned into Lord Baelish even more and closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her, craving him more and more with each lick of his tongue. Lord Baelish smiled against her skin as he spurred a moan from her lips, enticing him to devour her completely.

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