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It began with the end, and the end would look like death to these eyes. I had been warned.
Not those eyes, my eyes.Mine. This was me now. The language I found myself using was odd, but it made sense. Choppy, boxy, blind and linear. With the truest instinct of my kind, I'd bound myself securely into the body's center of thought, twined myself inescapably into its very breath until it was no longer a separate entity.
Not the body, my body.
I can feel the sedation wearing off and craziness taking its place.
A memory came. And, as I'd been warned, it was not something that could ever be prepared for.
It seared with sharp color and ringing sound. Cold on her skin, pain gripping her limbs, burning them. The taste was fiercely metallic in her mouth. And there was the new sense, the fifth sense I'd never had, that took the particles from the air and transformed them into strange messages and pleasure and warnings in her brain. They were distracting, confusing to me, but not to her memory. The memory had no time for the novelties of smell. The memory was only fear.
It's so dark. I cant see. I cant see the floor. I cant see my hands stretched out in front of me. I'm running blind and trying to hear the pursuit I feel behind me, but the pulse is so loud behind my ears it drowns everything else out.
It's cold. It shouldn't matter now, but it hurts. Im so cold.
The air in her nose was uncomfortable. Bad. A bad smell. For one second, that discomfort pulled me free of the memory. But it was only a second, and then I was dragged in again, and my eyes filled with horrified tears.
In lost, we're never lost. It's over.
They're right behind me now, loud and close. There are so many footsteps! Im alone and scares.
The seekers are calling. The sound of their voices twists my stomach and I think im going to be sick.
"It's fine, it's fine," one lies, trying to calm me, to slow me. " Be careful!!" Another one shouts in warning.
"Don't hurt yourself," one of them says. A deep voice of concern says.

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