Dear Odette - Oliver

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Letter Four


Dear Odette,

Even if I made twenty friends on my first day here, my love, I will always miss you until I return. But as you know, I am not the most social person even though I may look like the "popular boy" as you say in Canada. 

Oh my cute little monkey, you did just say that and yes, you can touch them anytime you want.

That day, the first day of school in Vancouver, and the day I met you. Odie, you changed my life and without you I wouldn't be the same. I am quite shy, as you know, and when you asked to sit with me I freaked out. I tried to hide it and when you sat so close to me, I knew you were different. Odette, my darling, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met and I knew we were going to be friends.

But enough with the mushy, lover talk. Let me tell you about my classes.

Collage, my dear, is tough, but being Oliver Morrison, I never give up. Also being Oliver Morrison, all my classes are pieces of cake, unlike for Gina and Austin, who struggle and excel in their own majors. My poetry and movie writing classes are my favourites and I do best in them. All of my classes are centered around componants that help with poetry and writing scripts for movies.

I'm very excited for what's in the future and I see you beside me the whole time.



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A/N: Do you guys like this book so far? I'm so excited for it! Vote, fan, comment!!!

-The Writer <3

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