- preparations

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December 3, 2016
10:54 am
Recording Studio 3

The five girls sat on the couch of their recording studio, waiting for their producer to come in. They had their own pile of six papers of the six songs on the album neatly in their hands. Allusion had just gotten them yesterday and they–Jiyeon, Sarang, and Gayoung–had already gotten most of their parts down. Ratanee had some of it but only the English parts since she's fluent in that language and not Japanese.

Cheng Qian on the other hand really struggled with her part. Yang and Shinae completely understood that she wasn't fluent in Korean nor Japanese. So they decided to just give her smaller parts just to make it easier for her. That gave mixed emotions about this album. She was glad that Yang and Shinae did lay off on her, but she was disappointed in her self for not learning more Korean before debuting or even training.

She often thought to herself that if she had learned a lot more to at least know at least conversational Korean, learning her parts on the next album wouldn't be so hard. Fortunately, her older members were very helpful and reassuring to her.

Yang finally walked in, interrupting her thoughts.

"Let's get straight to business and start immediately since we have a short deadline, yeah?" He smiled widely at the girls as he took a packet labeled, 'I Wish You Were Here'.

The five girls nodded, "Okay since a lot of fans in Japan loved All In, the album will have a similar style. Yet the style will be more fitting for the more popular genres in Japanese music."

"Each of the songs have breakdowns and very electronic types of sounds. Since there are breakdowns, there will be less singing so Ratanee and Cheng Qian do not have to worry."

"And speaking of Cheng Qian," Yang faces the young girl and quickly switching to Mandarin. "Your lines will still remain short and not many until you are able to learn more Korean and Japanese. It will stay like that until you have shown improvement in your language speaking ability. But if you can, your other members are willing to split some lines with you, okay? But don't worry, you'll do fine we all believe in you."

Yang smiles at her with the rest of Allusion. Yang's smile had a hint of guilt in it and Cheng Qian can definitely feel it. "Anyway, the Japanese love to have English in songs and they find the language very cool. So a lot of the lyrics will be in English. The reason behind this is not just because of popular demand, it is also because these songs were written originally in Korean. When we translated it in Japanese not a lot of it fit into the music, so they were just changed to English. Most of the English lines will be given to Ratanee since she is fluent in the language."

The five girls nodded to all the information they had received. It took them a second to even speak to take in the information.

Yang sighs, rubbing his chin in thought. "I think that's all I was going to talk about, so you girls should be off to Jumi for the vocal lessons."


December 3, 2016
11:26 am
Studio 5

Allusion entered the empty room with slight mood lighting. It was like a dance studio, yet smaller just for vocal coaching and it's acoustics. It was about a ten feet by ten feet big room with brown wood tiles and the same LOEN Entertainment logo and lit up designs on the wall.

Gayoung, Sarang, and Jiyeon walked to one corner of the small room and practiced their vocal warm ups as they waited for Jumi.

Ratanee and Cheng Qian was in the middle of the room drinking lots of water and looking over their lines. Ratanee got most of her lines over with so she helped Cheng Qian with hers.

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