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Matthew Williams stood watching the other nations discuss issues in the world.
His polar bear, Kumajiro, in his  arms.
"Dude, my country's in so much trouble." Alfred said nervously standing up. Elections kinda screwed him over lately. Matthew looked around the room.
"Everyone's trying to leave your country because you have a cheese puff  as a president aru." Yao Wang stated to Alfred.
"I-Im not letting your citizens into my country." Matthew spoke up.
It shocked a few others, as he isn't noticed that easily. He's used to it though. He is usually only noticed when countries mistake him for America.
"Who are you?" Kuma looked up at the blonde holding him.
"Im Canada." He said in a sigh.
The meeting went on and he left.
Matthew went back home and put Kumajiro down.
"Im going for a walk Kuma, behave."
The polar bear nodded.
Matthew liked taking walks around the towns, it calmed him down when people forgot about him. He'd have silent, meaningless thoughts go through his head as he walked around, not paying much attention to where he was going.
As he regained his train of thought he realised that he stood on a dock out on a lake.

"Oh maple, I went to far again." Matthew sighed. He could see his breath in the freezing air.
He walked out and stared into the water unknowingly at what lives underneath the surface. He jolted up, turning around as he heard a cracking noise behind him.
"I told you to stay home!"
"No you told me to behave." The little polar bear walked up to Matthew.
"What do you need?" Matthew rubbed his hands together trying to get them warm again.
"I got hungry." The bears ears twitch as a splash sounded behind the Canadian.
"Huh?" He turned. Kuma looked over the dock, staring into the water.
"Come on Kumajiro, let's go home." Matthew opened his arms for Kuma. The white bear dashed into his arms.
His fur was warm which was nice during the cold walk home. They walked along side the lake for a while before going back up to the sidewalks.
Red eyes watched the man and polar bear walk.
The red eyed creature grinned at the man with blonde hair, his curl bouncing as he walked.

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