Lost Something?

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Matthew finished flipping the pancakes and put them onto the stacked plate.
He set the plate down on the table and slouched in his chair. Kumajiro dug into the maple syrup covered pancakes without hesitation.
Matthew knew Kuma wasn't the one that was staring at him when he walked home, it was something...stranger.
He looked out the window as his furry companion ate.
"Kuma, did you see anything in the water when you heard the splash?" He spoke unconsciously. Kumajiro shook his head no.
"Huh." Matthew grabbed one of the pancakes from the plate.

That night Matthew couldn't stop thinking about the lake. Something, or someone, was there. He wasn't alone.
The thought kept him from sleeping, only getting a winks sleep through the night.
What if the person there was dangerous but stopped because Kuma was there too.
What if it was a lake creature planning on drowning me!
But what is It was just an animal?
Matthew tenced as morning sunlight beamed from the window. Exhaustion in his eyes as he stood. Kumajiro layed beside him in the bed, sound asleep.
He seems not too bothered by the splashing at the lake.
Matthew walked into the kitchen and began making himself some coffee as he ate a leftover pancake.
He knew one thing about the lake and that's that he's going to avoid it as much as he can.
Matthew sat in the living room as he sipped on his coffee in silence.
He walked aimlessly as the cold air bit at his exposed skin.
What can I do to be more noticeable? I can't speak up like Alfred does or else we'd be confused with the other more often.
Matthew tried to keep certain things out of his mind as he walked along the path.
I could always try and talk more though.
Matthew froze as he stood at the end of the dock to the lake.
Why the maple leaf did I end up here again?!
Matthew groaned as he looked at his reflectionin in the water below him. His violet eyes shone brightly behind the locks of blonde hair covering his face. His curl dangling around his face.
His glasses slid from his face, Matthew tried to catch them but failed as he fell to the wood boards trying to reach before they sank.
His vision was bad without them.
He bowed his head, eyes closed as anger began to chew away at his nerves.
His hand shot back from the water as he felt something nudge against it. His eyes open.
"Lost something pretty boy?"
A male was in front of him, in the water.
"Uh!" Matthew froze in shock, blush forming at his cheeks at the man like creature that wore his glasses.
"Haha. I'm only joking." The red eyed creature grinned before handing back his glasses. Matthew grabbed them, wiping the water off before putting them on.
The man had white hair and peircing red eyes that gave him shivers. His ears looked like fins, scales were all up his arms. Gills on his neck flared as he laughed at the Canadians confusing.
"Like what you see?" The creature seemed human but wasn't at all.
"W-who are are you? If you don't mind me asking that is!" Matthew sat up from the dock, he doesn't want his glasses to fall back into the water.
"My name is Gilbert, and you are?"
"M-Matthew." He stared into the red eyes.
"I dont mean to be mean but what are you?" He asked with little confidence in his voice. He hated to sound rude, expecially in this situation.
"What am I?" He smiled, eyes closing. "I'm what I look like pretty boy."
Matthew turned his head as he heard approaching footsteps.
"No Gilbert that's not what I asked-"
The red eyed creature smiled one more time as he swam away. A mermaid tail splashing the water as he dove deeper into the lake.
Matthew stared at the tail as he dissappeared.
A mermaid, er, merman.
Matthew stood up. A girl behind him.
"Mister are you okay?" She has a kind accented voice.
"Yeah, Im fine." He smiled slightly.
The girl nodded before walking away, along the lake.
What if Gilbert says things like 'pretty boy' to other people.
The smile faded from his face quickly as he turned towards the dock.
He ran back home.

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