pretty boy

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Kuma was awake by the time Matthew got back home.
He wanted badly to tell the polar bear about the lake but knew he shouldn't for fear Gilbert wanted to be hidden.
If word a merman lived in the lake were to spread then who knows what will happen to Gilbert.
So maybe he hasn't talked to anyone else.
Matthew sat down.
"But why me then?" He said aloud.
"Who are you?" Kuma looked at him.
"I'm Canada." He groaned once again.
I have to see him again.
"Im going to go see him." He stood. Kuma stared at him in confusion.
Matthews face turned red.
"O-oh no one." He walked into his room.
I cant let him know. If I leave now he might follow. I dont want Kumajiro to spread the word of Gilbert.
Matthew paced back and forth. He'll have to wait till night to sneak out, he can't risk anything to happen.
He noticed me. Out of everyone that goes down to the lake, he decided to talk to me.
The blush returned to Matthews face.
He laughed.
The night arrived slowly as Matthew grew impatient. He tucked Kuma into the bed and layed beside the bear waiting for him to fall asleep.

It took 30 minutes for the polar bear to sleep. Matthew waited an extra five minutes before getting up and getting changed.
"I cant believe I'm doing this." He whispered to himself, peering at Kuma.
He sighed before leaving the room. He pushed his glasses up his nose before walking out the front door.
"Gilbert!" Matthew strained his voice as he looked into the deep water, trying to keep quiet.
"It's Matthew! I want to talk!" He knealed down over the water. His hands gripping at the wood planks beneath him.
The wind made it hard to keep balance but he managed, even if he was moving back and forth.
"Gil!?" He began to lose hope on the merman.
"This is so stupid." Matthew closes his eyes and sits down on the dock, his feet hanging off the edge.
Matthew looked up at the moon, wind blowing through his hair. He didnt regret going out here tonight, for he would have missed the beautiful view.
Better get home before Kumajiro wakes up.
Matthew stood, losing his balance and falling.
His eyes widened as the cold lake water splashed onto his skin. His eyes close as water covers his face.
Down he goes to the bottom of the lake.

Kumajiro woke as sun hit his face. At first he didn't want to get up since he was so comfortable.
Kuma turned over, expecting his friend to be next to him.
"Huh?" The bear sat up confused.
"He's gone." He rubbed the fur on his face with a paw.
"Who was he again?"
Matthew could feel the land under him. Along with the arms around him.
Water was in his lungs still from when he fell in.
A hand stroke a lock of hair from his face and brushed against his cheek.
The voice made Matthew force himself up, launching him into a coughing fit. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve before staring at the bleary man in front of him.
"Gilbert?" Matthew murmured in confusion.
"What were you thinking." Gilbert handed Matthew his glasses.
"Huh?" He put his glasses on. The man came into focus.
Same gray white hair. Same pale skin with scales and gills. Different eyes.
They were purple.
"You could have drowned Matthew." Gilbert said strictly.
"But I-I." The Canadian began to speak but couldn't find the words.
"But nothing pretty boy. Be more careful." His hand went down Matthews arm. Gilbert turned away and got into the water.
He had legs.
With fins.
"Gilbert no... please don't leave!" Matthew blurted.
"Im sorry." He stood.
Gilbert was half in the water.
"Bye pretty boy."
"No!" Matthew ran out, taking off his sweatshirt.
Gilbert turned as he heard splashing behind him. Matthew ran through the water toward the albino fish man.
"Please Gilbert!" Matthew yelled, tears in his eyes as he jumped into Gilberts arms.
"Im sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He sobbed. "Im an idiot! I shouldn't have been so reckless, I shouldn't have been that close to the edge!" He looked at Gilberts eyes.
Why were they purple when they were red?
"Stop." Gilbert held onto Matthew at they stood in the water.
Matthew stopped talking and focused on the man who held him.
"You aren't injured so I guess you're fine. But Matthew please dont do that again you scared me." Gilbert smiled. "I dont know what I would do if my pretty boy would have drowned."
Matthew blushed and laughed, burying his face into Gilberts chest.
"Matthew." Gil got serious.
"What are you doing here?"
The question took Matthew by surprise.
"What am I doing here?" The blush deepened.
"I wanted t-to see you again."
Gilbert smiled at Matthew.
"Pretty boy." Gilbert let go of Matthews waist.
"I must go now." Gilbert turned away to leave. Matthew stared at him in pain.
Gil grabbed the glasses from Matthews face.
Matthew watched as Gilbert swam away. A smile on his face.
Gilbert turned and swam quickly back.
The two were inches apart.
Matthew brushed his hand against Gilberts face as Gil pulled him in closer in an embrace.
Their lips touched for a mere moment before separating. Gilbert put the glasses back on Matthew.
"Pretty boy."

pretty boy (PruCan)Where stories live. Discover now