Chapter 1

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Hey, there my names Naruto Uzumaki I am exactly 5 years old today but my birthdays are not really too happy as of now I'm locked in my room in ANBU HQ you may be wondering what a five-year-old child is doing in the ANBU HQ and on their birthday? They're supposed to be spent with their family's right? I bet you're wondering where my family is- well that's a really long story like literally long ill get into that later.But as of right now the people I think of family are Kaka-Baka or as you may know him as Kakashi Hatake or The Copy Ninja that copied over a thousand jutsus just to let you know he hasn't copied that many maybe he copied like what 999 that's all tho. The other people I trust are Itachi-Sensei and Hokage-Jiji Itachi-Sensei is supposed to be the best protegee but I don't get it I can nearly beat him and I'm only five plus all the ANBUs say I'm smart but I cant see how I'm smart when I can't figure this out oh well. I have another Sensei his name is Shishui Uchiha. Well I can say for sure that his Genjutsu is a hard cookie to crack I mean I can just about break Itachi-Sensei's but oh Kami-Sama help me his Genjutsu skills are not human. So anyway I think I went off topic lemme think eh......................................yeh shit I went off topic whoops sorry there hehe. So I guess your wondering who my family is well I'm not gonna get deep into it as all the people I'm about to name you will defo know them its kind of funny actually but anyhow my parents are Minato Namikaze [4th Hokege] and Kushina Uzumaki [Red Hot Habanero]. My Dad's parents are Madara Uchiha and some unimportant women that's where dad gets the Namikaze from and the reason why they chose to use Namikaze instead of Uchiha is because Madara-Jiji didn't want any danger on dad so no one knew dad had the Sharingan, not even Mam. Anyways my mams parents where Tsunade Senju and the king of the Uzumaki. I bet you're saying but Naruto Tsunade's lover was called Dan Kato yeh I know that's another long story really but I will say one thing *Death*. So anyway so as you know that means that Hashirama Senju [1st Hokage] and Mito Uzumaki [First Jinchuuriki to the Kyuubi] are my Great-Grandparents. Oh, and while we are on the subject of Jinchuuriki I'm the third for the Kyuubi, right now he's shouting at me for saying Kyuubi cause the dumb fuzzball doesn't like it when people call him that he rathers being called by his name Kurama but I just call him Fuzzball-Sensei Tee~Hee~. Anyways Fuzzball-Sensei is what are called a Bijuu they are just a chakra entity but they do have feelings so its not nice to put them down I love Fuzzball-Sensei tho he is so kind and lazy and a great teacher.

So back to the fact I'm locked up in my room it's really cozy and all but it can get lonely most of the time. If you're wondering why I'm locked in here its cause of my birthday. I mean I've never actually celebrated my birthday properly cause if I go outside of HQ on my birthday ill be beaten to a near death state until an ANBU finds me. It's not all that bad cause I always get treated to lots of Ramen after by Jiji and Kaka-Baka sometimes Sensei's get me some too, most of the time they ask why I don't fight back it's a simple answer really I don't want to hurt them. It's not like it's their faults they just want the pain of their lost ones to go away and I get that. But it's not like it's my fault. Well, they do think that I'm Fuzzball-Sensei but at the same time I don't like it cause the attack wasn't him as he was being controlled by a masked man that says he's Madara-Jiji but Fuzzball-Sensei said that his presence was familiar but he wasn't Madara-Jiji. Fuzzball-Sensei said that he has a list of people that he thinks he might be. So at least we have something to work from.

Well, I guess I'll talk about what it's like in the ANBU HQ for awhile as it is pretty interesting. Whenever we get a new ANBU in its the funniest thing to see their reaction. Most people think that all ANBU are uptight but once you come through those doors it's a whole different story as there are people just lying around being lazy or playing pranks its kind of a mess Hokage-Jiji likes the way that we are tho. He says he's happy we're nothing like Danzous ROOTS they are so quiet and gloomy or just plain out boring really and dead inside......Let's move on from that. The best is in the morning when I make breakfast in the mornings for everyone cause I'm the only one that can cook everyone else are hopeless at cooking yet they can go and assassinate people with no effort doesn't really make sense but oh well. I'm the youngest ANBU ever I started when I was four. Yes I know that's young and all but ya'know I'm not a Fuzzball of a demon that doesn't die at all [I heard that] whoops hehe heard what anyways I love it here I'm not treated like I'm a demon. no offense Fuzzball-Sensei. [None taken Kit anyways you should get going to sleep Kit its nearly midnight and you start at the academy tomorrow] Yeah your right well night night Fuzzball-Sensei. [Goodnight Kit.]

And thus the story of one Naruto-Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiha-Senju begins.

Hope you guys enjoyed so far even if its just my first chapter I don't think its too bad but well it's not for me to read I would love to hear your thoughts so far and for now Ill


Bibi xxx

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