Chapter 3

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Iruka-Sensei? What now Naruto if you're asking why class is so boring again I swear to Kami you won't be taking the test today. Never mind then. Everyone in the class snickered at Iruka as his face turned red. while the Hokage and Jonin-Sensai were watching through the Hokages crystal ball sweatdropped at how Naruto knew how to get Iruka angry so easily. Ok, Naruto, since you want to be a smart ass your going first let's go Mizuki is waiting for us. 

So Naruto can you do 3 clones, please. No. Back in the Hokage's office, the ANBU that were on watch fell from hiding in a deadpan then broke out in the loudest laughter ever. All the Jonin expect Kakashi, as he was joining them, gave Naruto a questioning look while the Hokage shook his head snickering. Back to Naruto, Iruka, and the bastard. Em, why not Naruto-Kun. Asked Mizuki in a sickly sweet tone. Because you are under arrest for the betrayal of the village. Naruto said leading Mizuki back into the classroom where the class were talking. The lass went silent as they came into the room. Back in the Hokage office all of the Jonin once again were surprised except for Kakashi. Oh, shit that's our queue isn't it Kakashi-Senpai. Hm.....................yep I think it is so what do you want to eat for dinner tonight? The jonins and Hokage sweatdropped. I  think it was Iruka's turn to choose tonight. answered Snake as she went into a thinking pose.Ehm, you guys do understand that Taichou will end up training us if we don't get down there right. At that all the ANBU in the room went running straight to the door all the Hokage and Jonin saw was a trail of dust heading towards the academy the Hokage turned to Kakashi who was still in the room and sweatdropped. He was reading his book instead of going with his team. Em.........Kakashi if you don't follow your team Naruto is going end up training you tonight and we all know how that ends. The old Hokage shivered at the thought of his training its more like torture. Hm.........oh yeah I got him ramen last night with Iruka we are of the list for a week so it gives him more time with all of you. said Kakashi still reading his crapy novel if it can be called that. How come you and Iruka always get out of it by treating him to ramen I have to show him a new jutsu just to get out of it and he doesn't care if I'm working or not. The old Hokage huffed thinking how he'll get in trouble again by the council for not showing up no he is going to put a foot down and show up.

 Ruto what do you want me to do with him? Asked a really bored looking Shikamaru. The whole class stared at the lazy boy who wasn't even in school yet and he just pops up out of nowhere and suddenly has one of their teachers in handcuffs with Iruka just standing there like nothing is happening then the rest of their team came falling in well except for Kakashi because well he's lazy. Kakashi if your not here in 30 seconds I'm still training you I don't give two shits, to be honest, I would love to have a spar with someone besides Shika. Naruto said looking all to Innocent for anyone's comfort. All wait here ill be back I'm going to change out of this thing it doesn't even deserve words that's how bad it is.He said as Shikamaru gave him a bag. The class just sat there during all of this very confused except for Hinata as she got up and stood with them as a genjutsu dropped from both Hinata and Shikamaru. [Hinata is wearing the same clothes as in shippuden] Shikamaru is in ANBU gear except for the armor and mask and has a necklace with a charm of a fox. Hinata turned to Shikamaru and asked. Hey, Shika did Naru let you choose his clothes again? Shikamaru turned to her with a weird look. Ehm......yeah why. This time it was Kakashi who spoke up. Well, you didn't get clothes that make him look like a stripper again did you? Shikamaru gave a nervous laughe. Why would I ever do that I'm, not a pervert. It was the last ANBU that spoke up this time. So he's not dressed like a stripper but he's wearing tight clothes thanks, that's all we had to know. They all turned around when they heard someone cough it was the one the all mighty king of all ANBU, yeah Naruto is done changing. He's dressed in a fishnet shirt with a black hoodie, Kinda tight black ANBU trousers and ninja black boots that go up to his knees with a slight heel. He had an Uzumaki sign on his left shoulder and a Namikaze one on his right although none of the students knew what clan they were from. For some reason, he looked more like his dad to the people from his ANBU team but they couldn't figure out why. He also had a necklace with a deer charm which all the students thought was weird cause he was more like a fox than anything but Shikamaru had a fox when his clans animal is the deer. They all had confused a confused look on their faces and couldn't think straight.

So I hope you enjoyed and leave suggestions I no the chapter is short but I'm just trying to get used to writing so Ill 


BiBi xxx   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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