Going On Tour?

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Eminem's P.O.V.
It's Sunday my last day with the girls. I want to do something fun with them today. Maybe we could get ice cream, I'll have to ask them when they wake up. I'm going to go to my home studio and try to write for a little bit while I wait for them to wake up. I sit down at my desk and take out a notebook this is one of my favorites because it has one of my favorite football teams on it. I begin to write words down across the page. Just as I begin to fully zone out Hailie opens the door to my studio and walks in. Hey princess did you just wake up? I ask. "Yes, so did Whitney and Lainey" she replies. Okay well why don't you get some breakfast and I'll be right there. "Okay" she says and walks out. *Ring Ring* I pick up my phone and it's Dre on the other end. Hey Dre what's up? "I've got some news, me and Paul have been talking and we think that you should go on tour again soon. So we set up some dates." My heart dropped a little I'm going to have to tell the girls about this and they hate it when I go on tour. "Yo Em you there?" Dre asks snapping me out of my thoughts. Yeah I'm here Dre "okay good" so what are the dates? I ask. "Well you'll leave Monday and on Tuesday and Wednesday you'll have a concert in California. On Friday and Saturday you'll be in Chicago then the next Monday and Tuesday New York and finally for the finale on Thursday Detroit." Wow okay I say. "You down with that?" Yeah I'm down I say and I hang up the phone. I better get ready for some tears. I walk out of the studio to see all my girls eating cereal. Hey girls who wants to get ice cream after breakfast? They all raised their hands excitedly. Alright then hurry and eat. I walk to my room to grab my keys and my Nikes. All the girls got dressed and got into the car. When we get to "Dairy Queen" I let the girls get whatever they want. We eat there at the restaurant because I know the owner so he shuts down the place so we don't get interrupted by fans. Hailie looks at me and asks "is there something wrong dad?" My baby girl isn't stupid she knows when something is off. Well I have something to tell you girls. They all look at me with wide eyes. I just have to say it, I'm going on tour. "No" they all say. Well don't worry it's only for a week and a half and the last show is here in Detroit. "Oh okay that's good" they say.Whew I think that went better than I expected. "Dad can we go to your show in Detroit?"Hailie asks. Yes you can I say "YAY!" they all yell. I just smile at them. We eat our ice cream and head home. Once we're home we play board games like "CandyLand" and "Sorry" Alaina won both of those games. "I'm hungry" Whitney says. "Can we have more pizza?" Hailie and Alaina laugh. You really like pizza don't you,I say Whitney nods her head yes. We all end up eating pizza. The girls also have soda with their pizza. Me, well I just have a Red Bull. The rest of the day goes really great.  Eventually night comes and they all go to bed. I have to pack my stuff because I'm leaving tomorrow. I pack my Nikes a couple of white t-shirts, a couple N.W.A. t-shirts, some sweats and of course my hats. I grab a brush and my toothbrush. I think I'm ready so I go to sleep.
The Next Morning
I wake the girls up and fix them breakfast. *Ding Dong* the doorbell rings I open the door and it's Kim. I say bye to the girls and I let Kim know I won't be able to see them this week or this weekend because I have some shows to do. She nods and leaves. I close the door. Now I just have to wait for my tour bus to come pick me up.  Here comes chaos.

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