Chapter 2: A Normal Day in Republic City

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The three teens slowly got up from their much needed sleep, it was normal for them to be tired in the morning but they needed to get to get to work, all picking up the cans and trash they left on the carpeted floor of their apartment, muttering. They pushed and shoved each other as they fought for the limited space of the small bathroom. Moshi was forced to brush his teeth in the kitchen, coughing as he gaged on the soap he accidently put on his toothbrush. He spit a few times, thinking to himself about the win last night as he pulled on a fresh shirt and pants, meeting his two brother like friends with fresh clothes. Moshi wore a darker outfit of blues and blacks, a blue hooded sweater over a dark blue shirt, black pants and black boots, it wasn't much but he would need to put on his work clothes. Panto fixed his hair with his normal hair-care products wearing a red short sleeve shirt, leather boots, a black fur-lined jacket and a brown belt along with black pants, his hands were burnt and cut from his work, but he still had delicate touch. Kogan pulled on a thin green shirt, stretching it over his black workout tank top, he fixed his pants before grabbing his winter jacket as they piled into the automobile, and finally driving into the shopping district. Moshi was dropped off at the flower shop, melting the frost off the front flower pots before popping open his canteen and causing a light mist over the flowers, humming happily.
He felt a small rock hit the back of his head, turning around as a kid hid behind a car. "Benders are the worse, your friend especially, the fire benders are evil!" the younger kid yelled. Moshi sighed, he was used to being teased for his abilities. The Equalist, who could take away people's bending and were trying to force benders out of the city, or just harmed them in ways, he didn't know his information was limited on the subject but they knew they were bad news still. They were being forced back by police and helping hands but kids were still effected. Moshi started to water the plants, smiling as he would make up small conversations with them, helping a few customers as the entered the shop. 

Meanwhile Panto was cooking in the kitchen of the noodle shop, trying to get caught up with orders, humming as he controlled the fire under the pots and pans with slight boredom, he really didn't know what he wanted to do with his life, maybe he could try to make that tea he always dreamed of. But, if all else failed he could be a family man, and he nodded as he garnished the food. He sent it up, whistling loudly since he had crushed and then melted the bell on his first day on the job. Kogan dashed up as he grabbed the few plates, his apron fluttered in the rush, balancing the china plates on his tray as he set them down at the tables, then started chatting with one of the regular customers. Panto yelled from the kitched " Hey Kogan! Stop chatting with your lady friend and get these orders! Come on I didn't make the tea and this food for nothing!" Kogan rushed up to the counter, almost tripping, he needed shorter pants but he found them in the clearance section of the store so he wore them constantly, he washed them too. He ran back to the few tables, tripping into a table and splashing tea all over a customer. Kogan looked up as the entire shop went silent in shock. The girl was chuckling, a breath of relief was sent through the shop. Kogan smiled, helping the sophisticated girl clean up "Sorry Miss, these pants are a mess to walk in." "It's fine, but I'd like another cup of tea since this one is soaked into my clothing, it's good though, may I talk to the chef who made it afterwards?", the girl said as Kogan walked off to get her some more tea, Panto was chuckling as he and Kogan talked, both hoping that one day they'd be able to move from the small shop, or at least take it over so they could remodel.

With Moshi at his flower shop, he sat on a small bench eating a sandwich for his late lunchbreak. He looked up as he saw a girl sit next to him reading a book, the girl looked up and waved happily. Moshi waved back as he bit into his sandwich. Both smiled with a small chuckle as Moshi tapped his mouth, the girl understood that he was eating the sandwich, showing she was wearing ear muffs under her oil like hair so she couldn't hear to well even if he spoke. Both silently got up to look at the flowers, Moshi water bending so the plants would wave their leaves. The girl smiled as she waved to the small plants. Moshi smiled happily, having gotten the girl to smile, pulling out a small peddle his mother gave him before handing it to the girl, the girl smiled happily feeling the smooth texture of the rock before handing it back to her new friend. Moshi looked at the clock, time had flown by, that and he did eat lunch late in the afternoon, and pulling off his apron. He pointed at the door as he handed the girl a small rose before he got the rock and a few coins back in his possession. Both teens walked in separate directions after Moshi was handed a small paper, the girl walked towards her dark blue automobile, and Moshi towards the noodle shop. He waved as the girl passed by in her rattling mobile, walking to the noodle shop before getting to the mobile he shared with his friends.

Panto was chatting to Kogan as they piled into the car, Panto was bragging to Kogan in how he got the girl to like him more than him. Both looked back at Moshi, cutting the subject short "So, how was work?" Moshi smiled, and that was all he did. Moshi nodded to himself after a few minutes of driving, he was sitting in the backseat, spinning the rock in his hands. Panto spit out the hot tea he had been drinking all over the windshield, it burned his tongue as Moshi chuckled and nodded as he cleared his throat, he still didn't speak but coughed quietly. Kogan was still smiling as he thought to himself about the girl he spilt tea on. He then glared at Panto who was frantically wiping off the tea of the automobile. All three were happy, but still excited for tonight's match, and hoping they'll win tonight and then got home to relax for once. All drove towards the stadium to hopefully get training in before the match.

All three were sparring against each other, having changed into more comfortable, workout clothes. Moshi blocked Kogan's punches with his arms as he was feeling his water bending be powered by the full moon, he could feel his strength growing more and more. He quickly low swept with his leg, tripping his two friends. Moshi was shaking as he ran his hand through his hair, he rarely used his bending durning the full moon and it was messing with his head. Kogan grabbed Moshi by the shoulders and slapped him twice across the face "Moshi! Come on! Get a hold of yourself! Your not bad! You won't use it!" Moshi nodded, he knew of the water benders that had been thrown in jail for some act he couldn't remember at that moment. All three grabbed their gear for the match and walked towards the platform that took them to the circular arena. They were waiting for their opponents, looking around as the three men waved to the crowd. Moshi waved to the girl he gave the rose to, she had it in her hair, she was just waving a red flag. The announcer spoke as the audience died down "Alright! Helllooo Everyone! Tonight ladies and gentlemen! A full moon is above us so tonight's match will be interesting! We have the most rag tag team of underdogs, or undercubs you know and strangely love! Thee, Scarlet Lions!" The crowd was half cheering loudly, the other half was just booing and hissing. The grey clad opponents hissed as the Lions, the announcer yelling "Alright calm down everything and everyone! Now, we have thee Sea Snakes just slithered into the arena! Now everyone set?" The two teams readied their respected elements, both water benders glared at each other, same for the two earth benders, and the fire benders, they seemed to hate each other at the moment.

The bell sounded as all six threw and dodged each element. Moshi and his fellow water bender had their plans set and locked in their heads. Kogan had been already shot into the third zone by a powerful blast of water, he sent a disk of earth flying towards the water bender, knocking him back into the second zone. Panto dodged, ducked, and then retaliated by sending kicks and punches of fire at the earth bender in grey. The announcer was yelling "Wow! Not this is a battle everyone! Panto is furious like you all know by now, tossing fire like a dragon! Kogan is struggling in the third zone! And Moshi is a bit shaky but getting the hang of his power!" Moshi still was shaky on his feet but he kept dodging untill he could get a blow in. He'd been knocked back into the second zone but had sent the other earth bender of the arena and into the cold water below. Panto was still ahead of his fellow competition in the first zone, he'd always been the more graceful of the three so he could keep dodging and retaliating as long as he needed to. Kogan was sent flying from the ring by a cold blast of water as he plummeted into the water, yelling as he was pulled up to the exit platform "Come on guys! You've got it!" Panto took the opportunity to send the water bender into the second zone.
The announcer had been giving a play by play for the audience who were stuck at home listening to the radio "Now look at this fancy footwork everyone, those of you at home are missing something, so I hope I'm giving a good explaination! This battle may be a close call, Kogan has already been sent into the water, now cheering on his fellow Lions! Panto Taxing is in the snakes territory!" Both Lions moved up a zone each, Panto was in hot water as he was in the Snakes' territory. He was dodging quickly, unable to get a hit in as Moshi was sending powerful blasts of water over him. Both Panto and the other fire bender were sent flying off the arena by the opposite water bender, it was just the two now. The announcer yelled into his microphone, "The water may be cold but the battle was just heating up, both these water benders are equally matched in their abilities. And the full moon shall make it interesting!" Moshi felt a strange feeling in his arms, his veins were slowly bulging from the strenght from the moon, but he kept going, the battle was just getting started.

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