[A Prologue of Sorts]

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The sharp pop of the soda can opening brought a grin to your lips. Glancing at the green numbers on the clock on the stove and realizing you had a good few hours left until your parents got home, your grin only widened.

A few hours alone meant a few hours of ice cream and binge watching.

The thought, although it was one of joy, made the corners of your lips turn down in a frown. That sounded like something a teenager would be excited about, yet here you were, 24 and still under your parent's roof. Basically, you were the creepy 30 year old man that still lived in his mom's basement in the making. Letting out a small sigh, you grabbed your tub of ice-cream and decided to go through Disney movies instead of watching an entire season of (favorite show).

It was a little lonely, sure, but you always lived like this. You felt no different than when you were in junior high and your parents had to go out, except now you felt a twinge of shame. You were an adult, shouldn't you be paying for yourself? Living on your own? Thinking about dating? Most of the girls you graduated with now had jobs, steady boyfriends or husbands, and even kids. Yet you were still under your parent's roof, eating ice-cream from a tub.

Like you always did when you felt down (though only for a few minutes), you reached for your phone. Maybe you could at least work at a gas station or something. Before you could actually wrap your fingers around the device, a picture of your best friend came up. Under the boy with the simple haircut, baggy galaxy shirt and goofy grin was VINNY, the nickname Calvin hated, along with a ghost and devil emoji.

You picked up, forgetting your impromptu job search. "Hey Vinny!" You greeted with a bright smile, as if Calvin could see it. However, after a small struggle and a door slam came through the phone, you sobered instantly.

"(Y/n), I need your help," the panicked voice of Calvin begged. You felt an icy sensation course through your veins. "Please, it's an emergency."

"C-Calvin? What's wrong?" With a slightly shaky hand, you turned the television off and leaned forward on the couch.

"Listen, I- can you come over? And, like, stay? Maybe forever?"

"Calvin, I don't understand. What's wrong?" You demanded, a sense of dread spreading through your gut. What was going on? Why wouldn't he let you know?"

You heard Calvin take a deep, shaky breath. "Please, (Y/n). I need you to pack a bag, take $100 from your parents bank account- I'll pay them back, I swear- and get over here asap."

"Calvin, I want to help, but I can't just-" There was a loud crash, and you heard Calvin scream. "Calvin? Calvin!"

"Please," he begged, sounding close to tears. "I'm begging you, (Y/n), please."

You looked around the suburban house, then sighed. Well, time to finally make myself useful. "Okay, Calvin. But it takes me almost two hours just to drive there."

"Okay. I'm waiting. Please hurry." With a beep, he hung up.


"Was a sticky note enough?" You asked aloud in your car. After Calvin called you, you stuffed all of your most important belongings in a sudden bag and left a stick note on the television- Dear mom and dad, I'm in the city for a while. Vinny had an emergency. Will call later with details. P.s. Vinny owes you $100.

"Eh, whatever, I'm sure it's fine," you brushed off as the skyscrapers came into view. Cautiously you turned the radio down and tried to focus on repeating the way to Calvin's apartment. Maneuvering through the cars less than expertly, it took you about 20 minutes just to find the place, and an extra 5 to find a parking spot in the parking garage. Finally, you grabbed your duffer bag, purse, and locked your car three times before rushing to the familiar door.

You immediately felt under dressed in the higher end complex, but keeping your head down helped ease the awkwardness. The elevator took you to one of the higher floors (and one of the more expensive floors). There, after turning a hallway, you say Calvin, sitting outside the door with his head in his hands. The rooms were soundproofed, but you could still hear when something slammed into the door. Carefully, you set your bags down and grabbed Calvin's wrists, yanking them away from his face.

"Calvin? I need you to tell me what happened."

He sniffed, looking up at you with big, puffy and red eyes. "(Y/n), please forgive me!" He cried, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You rubbed his back soothingly and gently pried him off.

"Calvin," You looked him dead in the eye. "Tell me."

He sniffed again, then mumbled, "I-I accidentally resurrected a demon and bound him to your name."


Lol what is this

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