Chapter 16: Remember

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Steve's POV 


I can see purple and green streaks in the clouds surrounding us. Everything that has happened has led us to this day. We are so close to New York that you can already see the skylines.  The new super powered person was here , and we new exactly were to find him. 

"We are here," Natasha announces to everyone on the quinjet.

Fury speaks through the intercom saying..." You need to get him as soon as possible, we don't have much time before Thanos's first strike. His base on the moon has been reinforced with hundreds of pounds of ammunition and insane cosmic weapons all at his disposal. It will take all of our glory, strength, smarts, and courage to defeat him. The only way this will turn out in our side, is by working together!  So do it! You are the Avengers, you are humanities last hope." 

Contemplating everything that was happening, after all we have been through, the ups and downs, we have been a team, and we will stay a team till the very end... the end of the line. Of that I am sure. 

Turbulence spikes as we try to land. We make it to the ground, we landed in a field just outside of the city. This doctor or superhero or whoever he is, is staying directly in the center of the city, 

" Meet you there," Tony says while smirking. His blasters go off and he shoots into the sky flying to get to "him". 

"Come on!" Wanda yells to Vision. She pulls his arm and fly into the sky with him.

 They left us...  well this is gonna be something.

"So I guess we are walking ..." Nat says nodding. She purses her lips. 

" Race you," I say smirking" 

Her eyes twinkle now, A mischievous smirk creeps onto her lips.   She sprints as fast as her legs will take her. Laughing as the wind hits her face. She looks so beautiful, so free. We weren't very far from the city. Probably 3 miles. We would get there in 10 minuets at the speed she was running.  So I picked her up and put her on my back. 

" Steve oh my gosh what are you doing! Do not dare drop me Steven Grant Rogers!" She screams while laughing.

" I won't" I smirk at her, my eyes crinkling at the tips. I raced down the backstreets of New York as we make to "his apartment complex. Wanda, Vision and Tony were already there. 

"How did you guys make it here so fast?! , and why is Natasha on your back!?" Tony asked a little shell shocked, but on the inside I could tell he was going crazy.

I blushed a little bit, and just walked to the door.

" No reason, just to get here faster," Natasha shrugged and her eyes hardened as she opened the apartment door and walked inside.

"Did I say something wrong." Tony said.

We walk up the creaky steps to his door. but its wide open...


First of all I wanted to say.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCARLETT JOHANSSON!!!!!!!!! you are my queen!!! and i know that you will probably never see this, but i wanted to thank you so much for being such an incredible humble talented person!! You are my idol and role model! <33333333 Happy birthday!!!!!

Second of all, i wanted to apologize for being so horrible about updating fast, i have been so busy this month, i have hardly been home, but I willl try very hard to update tommorow and update much faster than I have been :) im sorry for the short update, im tired haha, i will make my next update extra long!! Also thank you for staying with this story, through the beginning!! It means very much to me and i am very grateful to all of you!

Third of all Good morning, Good night or Good afternoon to everyone here!


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