Chapter 3

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"Yip yip Appa!" Called the young airbender as he landed in the courtyard of Ba Sing Se University. You could practically see the excitement gleaming in his eyes. "Come on Appa let's go find Katara, wow I haven't been able to say that in months!" Sang Aang, meanwhile across the campus a certain waterbender was eating with her friends Kori and Mizu. "No, I could totally take down an earthbender!" Said Kori "yeah sorry to break your manlyness bubble but no one believes that you could take down an earthbender your just" Said a grinning Mizu "Come on back me up Kat!" Cried Kori. Katara too busy reading a book ignored the boy. She soon whipped her head up when she heard a familiar sound, "Hey Kat, what's wrong?" Asked Mizu "uh nothing just a little homesick thought I heard my boyfriends sky bison" Katara answered sheepishly. But as soon as she said that she heard a voice call her name, "AANG?" She called, She saw the Avatar running towards her and she took off sprinting with all her might towards her love and when they came together her boyfriend embraced her and spun her around in a circle and kissed her, as they kissed they swear they heard fireworks being shot off.


"So this is Mizu my roommate and Kori my friend, we all ironically have all of our classes together!" "It's nice to meet you guys and to hear that my K has made some friends" said a smiling Aang. "Soooo I hear that there's going to be a party tonight in one of the dorms!" Said Mizu "we should go, I'm a hard partier" a round of sure's was passed around the small group.


"So how long have you and Katara been together?" Asked Kori "um since she was 15, I was 13" "wow that's a long time!" "We are ready, sorry it took so long trying to find the perfect dresses." Aang's eyes lit up as Katara walked out " you look stunning Kat!" "Thank you Aang" blushed the waterbender. "So shall we?" Asked an excited Mizu "we shall" sang the group.



Music blasting the group was dancing away. The song soon changed into a slow one and Katara and Aang went outside for some fresh air, still dancing they talked. "I've missed you so much Aang I've been so homesick lately." "I've missed you too Katara, it's hard without you there it's so lonely, I miss waterbender with you" "well then let's waterbend Aang!" Katara said. The next song soon started and it was a fast paced one, they danced in sync their eyes never breaking each other's gaze, the water flowing from their hands at all times their lips touching ever so slightly once in a while. The song ended after and their water dance came to an end and they walked back into the loudness of the party.


Mizu, Katara and Aang soon made it back to their dorm and Kori we t back to his. As Katara came into her bed she snuggled with Aang as they watched TV and she closed her eyes knowing she was finally with the one she loved, encased in the safeness of his arms and fell into a deep sleep excited for the adventures tomorrow will bring.


SO THATS THE THIRD CHAPTER! I hope all you lovies had an amazing Christmas! So I recently saw the Disney movie "Frozen" and I'm in love with the whole movie, The music and KRISTOFF, Oops did I say that out loud 😳 but yeah I may have a teensy crush on Kristoff but hey who wouldn't!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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