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Word Count: 689


Dan is being insecure again. He slowly starts to pull away from me again. But I pull him back in. I pull him into my lap and make him face me, and throw my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. He is motionless for a few moments, then puts his arms around my shoulders and nestles his head in the crook of my neck. I let out a comforted sigh feeling content.

"I-I'm sorry Phil." His words muffled into my neck, the warmth of his breath dancing across my skin. Im confused why he's apologizing, he's done nothing wrong.

"For?" I ask, clearly confused.

"I dont know." He strays.

"I think I know."


"I think I know why your apologizing."

"W-why then?"

"Because you know that your dancing around my previous question." I confidently state. I hear his defeated breath come across my neck again. I shiver a bit. He was going around my question, he hasn't answered it yet. "You did say you would give me answers." I say.

"Yes, I did say that didnt I." He sounds defeated.

"You did."

"Okay, well I forgot the question, ask again." I groan in complaint due to Dans forgetfulness.

"I asked why do you hate your parents? You seem to have a very strong dislike for them." My voice sounds desperate. Which I mean isn't inaccurate. I've been waiting for these answers and now I can finally get them.

"Umm. I-I told th-them something about myself that they didn't agree with and they freaked out and said things that I will hate them for, for the rest of my life." He sounded exhausted when he said that. Almost as if he's never said it out loud and saying it makes him tired.

"What did you tell them?" My question brought silence over both of us. I could hear the crickets outside Dans window that seemed to not be there before. I hear him gulp in my ear.

"P-please don't make me say." He pleaded. Tears rolling down his cheeks and absorbing into my shirt.

"You have to Dan." I didn't say this forcefully, but more of a 'you need to accept this' way.

"B-but Phil you'll-you'll hate me. You'll think Im gross and disgusting and you're my only friend and...and..." he seemed to run out of words. I picked his head off my shoulder, so I could look into his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes.

"I could never hate you. Even if I wanted to." My words seem to bring a form of comfort over him.

"Promise?" He says it almost as if it was a child talking to a parent.

"Promise." I say with a small smile creeping up the sides of my mouth, he smiles a bit as well.

"I told them I was bisexual." He said bluntly. I think that was the only way he could put it without freaking out himself.

"W-what." I feel like I wasn't hearing him clearly. Bisexual? Dan? Bisexual Dan?

"You hate me don't you? Phil please don't leave! Im sorry! P-please stay! Don't hate me! P-please Phil!" Dan pleaded, as though he needed me to stay alive. He re-wrapped his arms around my neck, harder, and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his legs around my back. Our chests were touching along with our heads. Very close proximities. I felt a blush creep across my face. Making me feel like I am in a sauna of sorts.

"Shhh. Dan its okay. I don't hate you. Not in the least." I cooed, rubbing circles into his back.

"Y-you don't?" He said unsure.

"No not at all, very much the opposite actually." Dan lifted his head, to see if he heard me correctly. Now's my chance. He lifted his head. I moved closer to him, didn't know that was possible, I connected our lips softly. Then pulled away after a few sweet seconds. I could still taste him, he tasted of warm. Its hard to explain, but he did.

A/N: sort compared to the last one soz. But fun fact, I wrote a quarter of this when i was in IHOP with my family earlier. Fun. I hope you all liked it even tho I left it on a cliffhanger kinda. Ill be back soon hopefully


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