Chapter 1 Happy 17th Birthday Ashley!

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The alarm clock sounded at exactly 7:00 am. I groaned into my old faded pink covers, my mother's. I rolled out of bed and turned off my clock.

"Ashley! Olivia! Wake up!"I called even though I knew that it was pointless. They couldn't hear me because of course, I basically live in the basement. Not exactly healthy with all the dust and decay. I sighed. My room only had a mattress, shelves, and drawers.  Today was the first day of school, A.K.A Ashley's birthday. The worst day of the year, besides Olivia's Birthday.

I looked at the clock again, 7:04. I figured since it was Ashley's Birthday she will sleep in until 7:30 because after all she needs her beauty sleep. School starts at 8:03 am, but we live 2 minutes away. 

Smiling to myself, I thought that maybe Ashley birthday was not so bad after all. Every once a  year i get to shower in the morning before school. The rest of  the year, I have to take a shower at night, when the water is freezing cold. I don't even think Olivia takes a shower unless Step-mother forces her.

Excited I grabbed my black towel and ran into the bathroom, locking it behind me. When I got out and came back into my room my clock read 7:23 am. My record. 19 minutes flat. I got dressed in black jeans, grey hoodie, and black combat boots. In 5 minutes I got dressed and hurried into the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my tangled puffy, honey-blonde hair into a quick bun. 

I ran back into my room and glanced at the clock again. 7:29. I sighed in relief. I went to wake up Ashley and Olivia.

"Wake up!!!!!!!!" I yelled once I walked up the stairs that lead into the living room. 

"Shut up!' Ashley called back.

"Yeah, shut up!' Olivia said behind me.

Whoa. Oh shit. I hate when she does that sneaky like a ninja. Silent but Very deadly.

"Wake up!!" I replied as all ways. "I'm leaving."

"Aren't you gonna which Ashley a happy birthday, Ayah?" My Step-mother asked.

"Happy birthday!" I screamed. I turned to her." There, better?"

"Yes, much better." she said "Go on now."

"Bye,"I whispered walking AWAY. I sighed. Things couldn't get worse, could they?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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