Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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      My name is Layla Cross and my family is among the wealthiest families in New New York. Of course there's always some one much more wealthier with a bigger yacht, and today is daddy's good friends son birthday. We are going to the Central Tower also known as the Tower of the Saint Clair family. "Remember Layla don't speak out of turn and behave and also be friends with Edward St. Clair." I looked at Daddy and tried to relax into the slick leather seat in the limo but it was hard, "ok daddy." I then wondered why my big sister Christie wasn't going with us. "Why didn't Christie come with us?" he looked at me and smiled, "because Christine is a big girl." I wished she could have come with us, I didn't like going to crowded places with strange people. "We are here!" daddy said as the limo came to a stop in front of a large tower. The driver got out and opened the door of the limo while daddy's body guard got a large gift from the trunk, "come along Layla." My dad held out his hand so I wouldn't get lost in the grandeur of the main lobby, and I quickly realized how breathtakingly beautiful this place truly was. It felt like I was in a different world and suddenly I was pulled back by a tall skinny man with such clear blue eyes. "Charles so glad you could make it!" my father smiled, "indeed it's been far too long Lance my dear old friend I hardly have the time to have a drink with you now that the company is taking off." The man smiled and nodded, "it's not like the good old days when the wives would leave us with the children and we would have half to no clue what to do with them." Both of them began to laugh I knew that mommy was too busy to take care of us but she was never cruel nor abusive. If anything she's the most beautiful and kind mother in the world and we had to understand that her career was important to her and daddy as well. Even so daddy found time to play with us or take us to places. "That's a big box you have there I wonder what's inside?" my dad smiled as his body guard/ butler handed him the present. "In actual truth there's nothing inside," daddy's friend look stunned for a second, "I couldn't wrap up my daughter now could I?" the man finally seemed to have noticed me. "My oh my! Is this little Princess Layla? You've grown so much your just a pretty as your mom and big sister!" He seemed really excited to see me, "forgive my rudeness Charles I didn't notice she was here." Then from behind the man a boy around my age or a bit older appeared, "dad you should be mindful of your surroundings! How did you not notice her until now?" I was surprised to see him speak to his father in that way, "I presume this young man must be Edward, my oh my are you mature for your age..." my dad said while shaking his hand, "Layla go on and say hi to Edward," by then I had hid behind my dad, "um...hello..." I was unbearably shy around new people. Edward smiled at my shyness and I realized I was beat red, "are you alright sweetie?" I looked up towards my dad and nodded although I couldn't stand to be here anymore I felt like I was holding my breath it was suffocating. And worst of all, all eyes were on me until my father and his friend began to walk towards some arriving guest. "They are probably going off to meet some associates and introduce your father to everyone else," I looked towards Edward who seemed to have read my mind, "come on lets go play in the garden!" Edward said as he took my hand and led me to a near by elevator, "there's a green house and garden on the roof top of the Tower." I probably looked worried, "my dad said I shouldn't play in the roof," he smiled at me, "its alright we aren't going to be alone there are a lot of other children up there playing right now." I took his hand and followed him and for some reason along the way I began to trust him and have fun, but I couldn't imagine the wonder of the garden on the roof. "This is our secret Garden our special place..." he said it slightly blushing, "when I grow up your going to be my wife..." he smiled at me and made me swear on that pinky promise that we would always be together.

~~~20 Years Later~~~

      "Miss Layla wake up or your not going to be able to say good bye to your sister!?" My butler Harris began saying while knocking on my door, I looked at my alarm clock and realized how late it was. I threw the sheets off of me and ran into the bathroom for a quick shower, although I knew that it was going to be anything but quick. Considering how long my showers were I tend to take a chair in there, "Layla my flight is going to leave soon!" I quickly got out of the shower and changed into my bathrobe at least and ran out the door to see my big sister Christie standing in front of me, "that was fast...but its a lie my flight leaves in 4 hrs ok." I glared at her as I went back to my room to put some underwear and change into something dignifying of my families reputation. Right now our family was a leading world Trading company with at least 100 or more branches around the world, but our connections even extended to the notorious St. Clair family a noble and powerful family at that. As I was doing my make up I began to recall the last time I had seen Edward it had been at least 5 or 6 years ago when he went off to college in England to study Filmography and Acting. Although I didn't see why he would go for those majors considering his true talent lay in Modeling like his mother both were beautiful and had the tendency to capture everyone's stares. "LA!....LAYLA! Are you listening!?" I turned around to see my sister at the entrance of my room, "you scared me Christie!" she looked at me oddly, "I scared you! You didn't answer me I was talking to you for a while!" I continued to brush my hair, "I'm sorry I was distracted..." she gave me a sly smile, "I see you were thinking about Edward St. Clair...I've heard a ton of rumors about him have been spreading over these past couple of years..." she looked at me to see what my reaction to those elicit affairs would be, but like Edward I too ended up taking a similar path. So I'm good at acting or numbing myself from any such feelings, "those are just rumors you should know better how Edward is..." I had faith in him and us I haven't forgotten one second of our promise to be together forever. "I heard Jack was in town..." I suddenly looked up at her, "why is he here?" Christie shrugged and walked over to sit on my bed, "apparently he had things to do here." I had a ominous feeling about Jack being back, "is Edward back as well?" she looked at her phone, "I don't think so," I realized that I was done with my hair as well as my make up but my lips looked a bit pale so I used my favorite shade of red lipstick. "You know Layla you look a lot like mom when you wear that red lipstick," I smiled I guess I did look like her, our mother was also a Model and now Fashion Designer she and Edward's mother are really close like sisters. "Lets go I have a plane to catch I bet daddy must be worried about us by now," I was nervous to let go of my sister, "I can't believe your going to live with mom in Italy and go to college there for Designing..." She lifted my face so that we could meet each other eyes, "someone had to follow in mom's footsteps, you the famous Actress like dad once was and me a famous Fashion designer like mom is." I smiled we both took on similar roles to our parents, "come on lets go if not your going to be late to your dance recital I'm sorry I couldn't change my flight to come watch but I've seen you so many times up in stage so do your best Layla."  

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