Chapter 17

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Jackies prov: 

i slowy made my way down the path with everyone following me. "make up your mind about whos the sacrifice yet?" Staceys voice tickled my ear, although i couldnt see her, i knew she was smiriking. "no. none of us are sacrificed" i answered back in almost a demanding voice. soon lights beamed through and i turned behind me to see my other aunt there, the one everyone thought was crazy. "for years you've said lies about me stacey. for years you said i was the cause of all the bad things. for years i was the one who was accused of our sisters death when the whole time, they were confusing me with you!" she stared at stacey. i wasnt surprised that stacey would do all that. "locked upin prison until i broke out and came to save my neice but word got to her" she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. i nodded and transformed back into human. "enough!" stacey roared. becoming wolf again, i was ready to fight. i growlled at her and she snickered. "honney bun, you still need a sacrifice. i lowered my head. i couldnt break up the group. that wasnt a choice. i felt a wind speed past me into staceys direction. i immediately looked up. i would have guessed it would have been my aunt but- "deandra get back here!" justin roared. "no, jackie needs need this" i couldnt move "deandra we need you ability!" i yelled back at her. "youve got someone in the group with it already" she said facing my aunt. i was in uterly shock. "deandra! Come back!" i could hear the group yelling. everything slowed down. i couldnt pick up what was going on. i saw deandra half way to stacey, i looked up at stacey to see her smirking. no. this is all wrong.

Deandras Prov: 

i was running to stacey, i was half way there. 'do it for jackie, do it for justin. ' i kept repeating. my paws scratched the floor, breaking my speed, once in was in front of stacey. "human!" she demanded. i did what she told. i ignored the group shouting at me to come back but i couldnt go back now, no. i needed to protect them, i needed to let jackie know what was going on inside her family. i smiled at stacey and she smiled back evily. "take her to the hook" she said and goblins came taking me to the back. it was dark and the only light came from the goblins eyes but i knew where i was headed. i was headed to my death, no not my death, i was headed into jackies secrets... her secrets unleashed. "i love you all" i whispered before a sharp blade slashed into my head. darkness overcame me and the goblins eyes were no longer in my presence. "youve came" i heard a female say. i knew who it was. "yes, i needed to. i needed to come to let your daughter know the truth" i said simply until i was pulled into a hug. "thank you" was all that kept repeating from her mouth. then thank you's came from others. the fighters from the battle. i knew where i was. i was home.

jackies prov: 

i cried into Justin's shoulder and he cried into my neck. we lost a fello group member and all i could say was "why" me and justin sobbed into eachother until we heard a small squeaked voice come in and say "it is done" i cried more and more. and more. i was human. i couldnt be wolf for this. me and justin both. the rest of the group sat and howled lightly. "no" i whispered. i stood up and justin looked at me confused. then i transformed "you said you would tell me! Now tell me!" i yelled at stacey. "oh yes, that can wait." "no it cant, deandra could have said 'it can wait' when you asked for a sacrifice but she didnt! did she?" i yelled. stacey smirked at me,"ah ok. where do i begin?"

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