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 (Val’s P.O.V)

       I love him, I love the way his eyes sparkle, his smile shines, and his laugh brightens my day. But I don’t know what happened, he doesn’t smile anymore. He doesn’t talk to me like he used to. He never spends time with me anymore, and all we do is fight. For 3 years we have worked through thick and thin, but something is tearing us apart. He is supposed to be here for dinner tonight but it’s already 7:30 and he still isn’t here. I shouldn’t have to wait up for him every night; I’m going to bed.


     “V? Are you home?” I woke up and looked at my alarm clock, it was 2 in the morning. “I’m in the bedroom Sean!” He was already starting to annoy me and I just want to be alone. I sat up on my bed and waited for him to come in here from setting his stuff down.

“What is this?!” He yelled at me from the kitchen, I didn’t want to get up, but looks like I have no choice now.

“What is what Sean?”

“Why isn’t dinner made and put out for me to eat?! I had a long day at work, and I shouldn’t come home with an empty stomach and have to make myself food. Your home enough during the day to make dinner for when I get home from work!”

“I was waiting for you to come home so we could order take out Sean! But guess who never showed up, you Sean, you never showed up. I am not going to stay-” he cut me off.

 “You know what, I make the money around here and it shouldn’t matter what time I get home, dinner should be ready Valentina!!”  Now he is really starting to make me mad, this is the time when most need Ali and Paige.

“Don’t call me that! I wait for you every night, and I’m done, I’m done waiting, Sean!!!” I tried to fight my tears back, but I just couldn’t, the waterworks just started flowing. I ran to our room that I guess isn’t going to be mine anymore, and started packing; I will have to wait until during the day tomorrow to come back and get the rest of my things, because all I have is my 1 suit case. I grabbed my clothes, shoved them in to the luggage, grabbed my phone putting it in to my jacket pocket and slipping on my shoes. I took my car keys off of the nightstand, and ran towards the door. When Sean grabbed my wrist, and made me wince in pain.

“Let go Sean, I’m leaving.” My tears that had stopped seconds ago are blurring my vision yet again. I can’t believe this is really happening.

He through my wrist down and glared at me, “Get out of my house. Now.” I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head.

“Goodbye Sean.” He gave his head a nod, and with that I walked out.



Heyyyy guys! Me nd Tig are working on this new book so let us know how it goes, it’s our first one ever we are really new at this, we are gonna try to update often but we aren’t sure on what to do I guess. Comment what you think! (:

-          Maddy nd Tig

V for Valentina (Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now