Chapter two: Mr. Greeneyes

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(Val’s P.O.V)

            I walked up the few steps in front of the door, and pulling my keys out to find the key that used to be to my home. I pushed it into the door knob and twisted it to the left, unlocking the door. I opened it up and took a couple of steps into the house and shut the door. I walked further into the hallway, trying not to make any abrupt noises. I slowly stepped out of the hallway and into the living room. And in that moment I saw what had made me regret ever waking up this morning…

          This is proof that what I thought, was all right. He was cheating on me. There is no possible way that in 7 hours he can just pick up some girl and end up here at this house on the couch MAKING OUT WITH HER. I needed to leave, the waterworks were on their way and he cannot see me like this.

            I ran upstairs as fast as I could and put all of my stuff into a hamper and then carried it back downstairs when I heard him call my name.

“Valentina Marrie, I know it’s you.” I wanted to turn around jump into his arms, and say I was sorry but I knew that it would never happen. So I took out my keys, found the one to this house and pried it off of the chain, setting it on the counter I walked out of the house with a slam of the door. I shoved the hamper into the back seat of my Honda, and jumped into the driver’s seat with tears streaming down my cheeks. With one last good look of what used to be my home, I drove away.

                                    (Sean’s P.O.V)

            I thought I heard the front door open but I don’t care right now, I had Jillian on top of me and this was the perfect way to release my stress of everything that happened with V last night. I blocked out what I was hearing and just deepened the kiss that I was sharing with Jillian even though she was hesitant. I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye and I knew it was her. But she deserved to be hurt, so I switched my position to where I was on top of Jillian and kissed her neck waiting to hear Val walk away.

            When I heard faint quick footsteps I knew that I had gotten to her, so I pushed myself off of Jillian and sat up smirking to myself. I decided it was time to let her know that I knew she had been here. “Valentina Marrie, I know it’s you.” I heard clanking of keys, and the door slam, I knew that it was over for good, and even though I was angry with what happened, I was gonna miss V and all the memories we created.

“Sean? Who was that girl and why did you let her go through your house without paying any attention to her?” Jillian asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Oh… umn. Just uh, my cousin.” I knew I couldn’t tell Jillian the truth, I would be alone again.

“You don’t sound too sure about that. You wanna tell me the truth?” She doesn’t need to know everything!

“Jillian! It is none of your business, now leave because I need time by myself!!” I snapped making Jillian jump.

“Oka… Okay.” She looked like she was going to cry, but honestly right now I didn’t care about anything at all. Nothing. “Be at work on time tomorrow Mr. O’Donnell, no exceptions.” She closed her eyes and walked out the door leaving me; ALONE. I ruined this “relationship” too, I guess I will just have to fix it tomorrow at work. But until then, I am going to bed.

                                    (Val’s P.O.V)

            I pulled into the apartment parking lot and found a vacant spot turning off my car. I pulled down the visor looking at myself; wiping away my tears I pulled out my mascara and redid my light makeup that Ali had done for me this morning. I put my mascara back into my purse, took my keys out of the ignition, and closed the visor to get out of my car. I shut my door and walked towards the apartment building, ready to just be with Ali and Paige.

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