Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!

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"So today, eh?" I asked myself as soon as I had woken up.

When I woke up, I could just tell that Naruto was coming back that day. Happily, I grinned to myself and began to clean around the apartment before he came back. It had been almost two years and so much had changed. Unlike before, I was taller and had accepted my short hair over time. In fact, I adored my short hair since it was easier to deal with in battle. I had become a Chunin and was much wiser than I was before.

"He just better not be a complete baka and point out my chest." Angrily, I said with an anime vein and squeezed the pillow that was currently in my hand. "Though I do like Pervy Sage, I don't want him to have tainted Naruto over their journey." Instead of Hinata, who's chest had really grown, mine had not grown one bit.

Yes, most of the sixteen year old girls in Konoha had boobs. I however, was special and had no boobs whatsoever. On the bright side though, whenever I got punched in the chest during a battle it did not hurt nearly as much as it probably did for other girls who had boobs.

After the apartment was clean, I had decided it was time for me to get dressed. My new battle outfit had consisted of tight black spandex pants that went down to my mid calves. The shirt was the same color as the one I had a few years ago, but it was not a sweater. Instead it was more of a tank top and did not cover more than my shoulders. The ninja tool pouch was around my right thigh. My ninja sandals were black and similar to the ones I had before. My headband was tied around my neck for that day.

"Off to get some food!" Happily, I yelled out loud as I walked out of the apartment and locked the door. I was off to get some of Naruto's favorite food for a home cooked meal. Knowing that knuckle head, he had probably lived off of instant ramen and take out food for the past two years.

"You seem to be in a good mood today." A voice said to me as I walked along the streets of the market area.

"Hell yeah, Naruto is coming back today!" In an excited tone, I said to Kiba who was sitting on Akamaru.

If a dog puberty existed, Akamaru had hit it. Hard. He was gigantic, but every time I had tried to tell Kiba that he brushed it off and said he hadn't noticed it since they spent so much time together. I was sure that he had to have noticed at one point, because he had stopped carrying the dog and let him lay on his head a long time ago.

"How do you know?" Suspiciously, Kiba asked me with a raised eye brow. "You didn't get a letter, did you?"

"Nope, I can just tell." Happily, I explained and picked up some mushrooms. "Besides, you should know that he has sent nobody a letter."

For some reason, Naruto and Pervy Sage had not sent one letter to us. It wasn't as if they didn't know the address. That had frustrated me a bit, but I knew there must have been a good reason behind it. They were training and it would have been bad if the Akatsuki had gotten ahold of it to use it against Naruto in some way.

"Really? Today feels like it's going to be a boring day." Kiba said and wrinkled his nose. "I think you're wrong."

"Let's make a wager then." Mischievously, I said and raised an eye brow.

"What type of wager?" Kiba asked me and has raised one of his eye brows also.

"How do you feel about streaking again, like you did for the Chunin exams." I said and grinned to myself when the memories of Kiba streaking went through my head.

"What if you're wrong, again?" Kiba asked me, and an anime vein formed on my forehead.

It was true. There had been a false alarm before, and I was embarrassed after it. Sakura was nice to me about it though. She had said that there was a good chance of me having a false alarm since I had missed him so much and just wanted him to be back home.

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