Chapter 22. No Matter How Difficult Things Become

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"You have to be shitting me." My tone showed my disgust and disbelief. "Sit your ass down so I can resume with teaching class." I said in frustration and massaged the scalp of my forehead with my fingers. The girl was more difficult than usual. 

"No!" She yelled at me and I groaned. Etsuko had been giving me trouble for weeks now, even when I was multitasking by teaching at the Academy and taking care of Naruto. However, I was more stubborn than she was. Every time she threw some trouble my way I would make sure she knew that I was not willing to put up with it. 

It was that time she thought she would attempt to vandalize my classroom. Normally I would have been pissed at her for doing that, but she tried to do it during class. Not only then was I annoyed at her; I was ready to punch her so hard that she would have flown out of the window. Sadly, Iruka told me that smacking some sense into the students was against the rules. Even if they were a little shit like Etsuko. 

I groaned as if I was in pain and put my hands on my lips. At that point in time, I was completely done with her. That week she had been more troublesome than usual and needed to be reprimanded more often. Swiftly, I grabbed the collar of her pink shirt and held her up in the air.  "Listen here, either you shut your mouth for twenty minutes so I can finish my lesson and then afterwards I can give you your punishment, or you can receive it right now in front of the class." 

"I don't care!" She shouted to me and looked me straight in the eyes. The little girl was stubborn. I could tell that she was trying to test me again and attempt to win at least one battle of our "Who is more stubborn?" game.  

However, she was playing the game with the wrong person. 

Evilly, I grinned as I carried her down to the front of the room. The rest of the class was filled with different reactions. There were those who were uncomfortable, those were used to the experiences in the classroom and had learned to ignore them, and those who snickered. My left arm went behind her knees and within moments I was holding her like a small baby. 

"Since you are already a child, I thought I would treat you like a baby since you remind me of one so much." I said to her and bounced her in my arms as I went back to my lesson. The peace lasted for a few minutes and I was able to talk quite a bit about battle strategy. Somehow, I had gotten so absorbed in the lesson that I had almost forgotten that Etsuko was in my arms. Oh, she was such a benevolent child to me. She made sure that I remembered she was in my arms. 

With a nice bite on my arm. 

 I was done with Etsuko. The amount of shenanigans of hers that I could put up with had been surpassed. The miscreant had pushed me to the edge. I was officially done with her. Coldly, I dropped her onto the ground and gave her the coldest look I could muster up. I had my left hand point towards the door in an angry manner. 

"Leave and never come back." The whole classroom was dead silent as I said those words. Etsuko looked at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. 

"Y-You have to be kid-" I cut her off by shaking my head to the side and explaining. 

"Obviously you are not dedicated to becoming a ninja." I stated and put my right hand on my hip. All of my body language showed that I was serious and pissed off. "I am tired of you always trying to pull something stupid out of your ass for every time we have class. You obviously do not want to learn and I am not going to waste any more time on a brat like you." I growled out to her. "You will not be welcomed back here." 

Etsuko was quiet for a few moments before she spoke up. "Fine," she said and repeated it again in a louder tone. "Fine! Without your help I am going to become the best ninja possible." She stood up and stomped towards the door. She sent me one last look while she was at the doorway. 

"Go ahead; I have a lesson to teach." I waved her off and continued where I left off in my lesson. 


 "We need to get all of the students to safety, so follow me!" Iruka commanded at me as we heard the sounds of yelling outside of the Academy. I nodded my head as I looked back to make sure all of the students were there. 

Shit, I told Etsuko to get out. I thought to myself and cursed my actions from before. At least all of the other students are here. That was as optimistic as I could get for that situation. The students followed Iruka and I was in the back to make sure none of them were left behind. Etsuko ran through my mind the whole time Iruka and I guided the children to safety. 

"We'll be safe, right?" A frightful boy asked me with worried eyes. I smiled and nodded my head as he grabbed my hand. We were traveling in tunnels underneath the village that lead to the Hokage mountains. If there was one thing Iruka made sure I knew more than anything, it was the evacuation of the students for the safety plan. 

"Iruka and I will protect you guys, no matter how difficult things become." I said to him in a hopeful and jubilant tone. "That's what senseis always do for students, they put the students first." 

The boy was quiet for a few moments before he looked at me with sad eyes. "Then what about Etsuko?" I froze for a second when he asked me about her. He has so much of a point. I thought to myself as we began to walk again. 

It took a few moments for me to reply to him, but when I spoke the words I knew I was going to go through with them. "I will find her and bring her to safety." 

"We sure are lucky to have you and Iruka Sensei as our senseis." The boy said to me in awe. Sheepishly, I scratched the back of my neck with my free hand. "Etsuko is going to be safe in no time!"

It was simple to talk to Iruka and explain that I needed to find Etsuko. However, it was not simple to handle the death glare he sent to me when I explained that I was the reason Etsuko was outside of the Academy and not with us. He showed quite a bit of disappointment in me. It was not a fun time for me. 

"You sent her out of the Academy?" He questioned me with disbelief. Some of the students began to look our way with curiosity. "How could you do such a thing?" 

As much as I wanted to shrivel up into a ball of embarrassment and say nothing, I knew the kids needed us to be strong in the state of emergency that we were in. I let out a heavy exhale and began to talk. "I did send her away and I do regret it. However, yelling at me right now will not solve anything. You have a few other senseis here to help watch over the kids, I will go look for Etsuko. I have to own up to what I have done." My tone had shown how determined and serious I was to find Etsuko. 

He sighed after I had said those words and he looked at me with a small smile on his face. His hand went on top of my head and ruffled my hair. "You have grown up so much. Good luck finding her." With a quick nod, I ran out of the hallway and towards to the Academy. There was a brat that needed finding. 


It was funny how the village seemed larger than usual when you had a very important task to find somebody with the chance that they might be dead. Actually, it was not funny. It was fucking annoying. As annoying and frustrating as the task was, I continued my way to find Etsuko. 

"Etsuko!" I screamed as I jumped from roof top to roof top. It did seem like a horrible idea to yell somebody's name and give your name away to the enemy, because it was a horrible idea to do that. However, I had no sensory skills so I was stuck with risking my life to find her. 

My eye sight observed the enemies that popped into my vision. They had bright orange hair and all appeared to have different attacks. Despite the fact that my instincts told me to swoop in and help the Shinobi that were fighting them, I could not. Etsuko did not have the fighting chance that the other Shinobi had. 

That did not stop her from becoming a victim of one of the orange haired enemies. 


Hello guys! How are you doing on the path of life? How is school? Anything interesting happen lately? What do you think of this chapter? Do you see any growth in Harmony? Are you excited for the next chapter? 

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and smile. c: Farewell!

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