Can I Make Having No Kazekage Jokes? Too Soon?

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"Harmony, think that sentence over." Kakashi Sensei said to me as I looked at Itachi's feet. My eyes widened and a blush spread across my face in embarrassment.

"Damn it!" I yelled in frustration and pulled a kunai out. My body went into a defensive stance. "Not in a sexual way. It's just that Sasuke has brought so much baggage onto our team, and he isn't even here! It's fucking ridiculous. Right now we have to help Gaara, but we can't do that if Itachi is fucking with us!"

"It's nice to know they teach good manners in your village." sarcastically, Chiyo muttered under her breathe.

"Anyways, it's time to get serious about our situation." Kakashi Sensei addressed to all of us. "Whatever you do, don't look at his eyes. Otherwise, you will be caught by his Sharingan and pulled into a genjutsu."

"Tell us where Sasuke is!" Naruto yelled in a frustrated tone and I clenched my fists. "Tell-"

"Naruto, we have a mission to deal with at the moment. Right now Gaara is our top priority. Sasuke's emotional baggage will have to come at a later time." I said and furrowed my eye brows together in thought. "Besides, it's highly doubtful that Itachi knows anything about Sasuke right now."

"We can't take him on carelessly. Itachi can easily destroy us." I thought to myself and grunted when I thought of our chances of defeating him. "Oh well, whether the chances be big or small, we still have some of a chance."

"So this is the infamous Itachi Uchiha." Chiyo said and I could hear her head shake from side to side in disappointment. "I don't know what type of village you run over there-"

"Technically he isn't in our village anymore." I pointed out to her. "Besides, we still have our Kage." when I saw a look of disgust on Chiyo's face, I cringed. "Okay sorry, too soon I see."

"It is safe to assume, that all of you would have it in your best interest to focus on me." Itachi suddenly said, and my fist clenched together.

"I would rather smell Naruto's dirty laundry than have to face scum like you." viciously, I said to him. "You know what, after the horrible thing you have done I'm glad to get back at you for a comrade." I then ran towards him, only to be yanked back. "This is for-AH FUCK!"

"BAKA!" angrily, Sakura yelled at me and punched my head. "None of us can just recklessly run into battle with him. We are already worrying about Naruto, give us some space in our minds so we can think."

"Tch. You're right." I said and threw the kunai at the ground. "I'm sorry, I'll try to think more." I rubbed my hands together and tried to think of a quick strategy to use.

 The following moments were very tense. The air around us began to feel heavy and began to press down on our shoulders. Never in my life, had I ever thought I would have encountered Itachi Uchiha. Then again if I had learn anything by Sasuke leaving, is that life has many possibilities that I will never think of. Whether I like it or not, some of those possibilities would happen and I would have to do my best to make things right.

"Kakashi, I have an idea for a plan." I said out loud and backed up towards Kaka-Sensei. "Here, I will be more smart than half of the other ninjas out there and whisper it. Rather than announcing it out loud in front of the enemy, because I want to get things done and end up alive. Fucking ninjas these days."

Carefully, I made sure I was close enough to Kakashi Sensei to whisper it so nobody else could hear.

"One or two of us can stay behind to distract him so the others-" I began to explain, but Kakashi Sensei cut me off.

"That won't work." plainly, he said to me and kept his eyes steadily on the ground. "At least three people would have to stay behind to distract him. We don't have enough people here to do that and still assure that the others will be safe. I like to think that I know my students enough to know their fiery personalities."

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