Untitled Part 3

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Sebastian woke up the next morning with a terrible throbbing in his mind and ribs. As he slowly opened his eyes, he squinted as sun streamed in from the window.

"Owww," He groaned as he sat up, shielding his eyes. After a minute of groaning, he slowly moved his hand away and looked out the window. It seemed... normal. Well, almost.

"The shit?" He whispered, squinting his eyes still. The sun appeared to be... blue. Not orange. Blue. The sort of blue only found in fragments of withered paintings of the sky; a beautiful blue, yes, but twinged with misery. The red surrounding the blue plasma globe was creating a beautiful contrast, the beautiful blue fighting with the vengeful red, the colour of embarrassment and anger, both painted equally painted across the sky with an artisan's brush. It only occurred to me much later that these pink-red splotches across the sky were clouds.

'So, what happened last night... Happened.' He thought to himself. He sighed, and began to slide out of bed. He started to shuffle to the door, but only got a few steps out before collapsing to the floor. Apparently, when he was tossed around last night, he hadn't just hurt his ribs, but also his legs. As he lay on the floor, contemplating what had happened, he barely registered his door opening, and his mother walking in.

"Good morning honey," She cooed, bending down onto her haunches. "Sleep well?" She asked, ruffling his hair. Sebastian could only shrug. His mother grabbed his hand and helped him back onto his feet.

"I've got breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen." She walked out of Seb's room, leaving him in a stupor.

"Mum?" He slowly tried out the sounds from his mouth. Sure, he had a mum before, but... this morning she seemed... different. Happier. He cautiously walked out of his room -limping now, aware to not put too much weight on his right leg- and into the dining room. What he found there both alarmed and delighted him. Sitting at the table were three figures. One he had known forever - his brother. To the left of him was,

"Dad?" He gasped, shocked. His Mum and Dad had gotten divorced years ago, over him cheating, lying, and winning the Golden Medal for being an absolute arse-bag of a Father.

His Dad looked up over his paper and smiled at Sebastian.

"Morning Sebby! How'd you sleep?" He asked, folding up his paper and standing up. 

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